Memory 20

288 11 0

April, 1998

What the fuck is happening?

Why is my hand burning so badly?

The more Eden waited the more it hurt her, burning her skin as if it were nothing.

A red spark came hurdling toward them and Draco's arm quickly pushed her to the side, making her lose her balance and almost fall over, but she caught herself before anything could be done.

Why must this be happening now?

What did the ball in her hand mean?

So many questions that were going unanswered.

All of a sudden, while Draco ran off to go fight off 5 other Death Eaters, Eden could see who was approaching. Two men, one on each side.

Her hand shot up to the right— seeing as the ball of red fire was her right hand— and her body was flung back slightly as the burning stopped and a sudden shouting could be heard.

The girl was on the floor now. The force from whatever she just did knocked her over.

"What the fuck?!"

Her head whipped to the other Death Eater who was on her left.

Eyes locking on his, she followed his gaze to her left hand where another flame of red was beginning to enlarge.

Eden's hand shot up to the left now, gaining more control over the new found power.

She was casting curses from her hands.

The magic did not need to be channeled through her wand... She was channeling it through her emotions and rage.

It was a defensive thing.

If she did not feel threatened in that moment, the flames would have never appeared.

The girl could not believe her eyes. She was casting spells out of her bloody hands for crying out loud!

Only the most powerful wizards could do stuff like that and she by no means thought she was in any way a powerful wizard.

Everything came crushing down on her when she got slammed to the ground hard. Hard enough that if she did not land the way she did she would have broken her spine against the lamppost she hit.

The impact her head made with the ground made her feel dizzy.

Easily Eden could have just gotten up, but the two large hands wrapped around her throat were preventing her from doing so.

She was losing air.

Just like that time in the alley those few months ago.

"Do you think the Dark Lord would want you dead or alive? I suppose alive hmm?  Too bad you won't have the same fate as Ginny Weasley..."

That was what the other Death Eater said to her.

It kept replaying in her brain as her nails dug into the hands of whoever was strangling her.

He wasn't coming this time was he?

Draco wasn't going to get her out of this one...

Eden was too unfocused and caught off guard to conjure any magic from her hands and the girl barely knew how to use this new found power yet. This was all new to her.

Well, not new for long because at the rate she was going she would die from lack of oxygen in just a few moments.

She gasped for air, feeling her eyes shut though she was trying to keep them open.

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