Memory 26

335 12 12

June, 1998

This place was not what Eden expected.

Snape was rumoured to live in a huge mansion, but what she was looking at was a little shack off at the end of a little abandoned village.

He is probably asleep... This is a bad idea.

Turn back now Eden.

It's not worth it.

You don't even want this.

Coming to a stop outside of the door, Eden really thought about what she was about to ask of her old professor and right as she was about to knock on the door, it was pulled open and the black haired man stood behind it. Still he wore those black robes, just like he did back at Hogwarts.

The girl gasped and nearly fell down the two steps that led up to his door out of surprise.

"Eden Abella... How peculiar it is to see you here, standing on my doorstep." His eyes scanned over her and then landed back on her eyes. "You are supposed to be dead are you not?"

"Uhm- Yes, that is correct-"

"So why is a dead girl standing in front of me right now?"

Was that his way of tell her he would keep her secret?

Eden hoped that was the case.

"I've come to ask for your help... Not for a place to stay or whatever. I need you to-"

"Pause..." His hand went up right in front of her face and her mouth zipped shut right away. "Tell me inside. I don't know who is around listening."


Snape stepped aside, motioning his hand for Eden to come in. "Are you thirsty? Hungry?"

"No I'm fine... Thank you."

It looked old, in here. The outside of his house definitely did not do the inside justice. It was an illusion charm. The outside looked small, the inside looked huge and fancy.

Now Eden was beginning to realize why everyone said his house was ginormous.

"So... I was saying." She took a seat on his couch where he allowed her to sit while he took a seat across from her. "I have a request. I would like you to obliviate me. I need any memories with Draco from the past 8 months gone, all starting from when he gave me this necklace. You can choose to get rid of them completely, or replace them with Harry so the memories are still there, but I need him gone... Oh and Pansy as well. I need to forget those two."

The man put his fingers together, intertwining them and resting them on his legs. "Why do you need him gone? Why would you do that to yourself? I know you two are together by the way. Draco tells me everything..."

Oh for fucks sake.

If Draco told him everything, that meant Snape told him everything in return, especially if it was his girlfriend asking to be obliviated.

"Well I'm running away, going into hiding if you will. I think if I forget him I won't have any reason to come back and if I'm caught, Voldemort will definitely go through my mind. It would only make sense for him to be gone from my thoughts. I don't want him to get punished anymore than he already has-"

Snape shook his head and leaned forward, slightly raising his tone. "You know you'll be punishing him when he finds out what you've done? That you have decided to erase him entirely from your memories."


Did he want to make her feel worse than she already did?

And the fact that she was holding it together so well... It was all about to crumble.

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