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Namjoon's Pov~

"HUH! Have you seen yourself ? You want to have a family? C'mon Jonnie what do you even have huh? You don't even have your own house . Which girl would want to marry a loser like you? Be grateful that I agreed to you at least Date you"

"Mr. Kim.. Mr.Kim?"

"Huh!yes" a sudden voice brought him out of his trance. In front of him stood Mily ,his Assistant.

"Sir I was calling you but you seemed lost" she said a little worried.

"No No .. I am fine . Did you bring the files?" He assured her, straightening his posture bringing back his professional aura.

"Yes sir. And thank you so much for looking after Yeonjun , I will take him now" she smiled, gently picking up her 5 yr old son who was craddled on his lap playing.

"Btw sir, Since you love kids so much why don't you have one of your own soon? I am sure you will be a great dad" she said closing the gate leaving his cabin. He dryly chuckled at her sweet yet stabbing words.

Her words which had no intentions to hurt him somehow acted as salt on his deep wounds.

Strange isn't it. Being a multi-millionaire CEO of such a huge company he was babysitting his assistant's child. Well it had nothing to do with his status and bank balance, it's just that he loves kids so much that he doesn't miss any chance he gets to spend with them. Even his staff is well aware of his fondness towards kids.

2 days later ~

"Taehyung where are you? I have been waiting here for the past 10 minutes!" Namjoon screeched getting out of the parking lot.

"You better be quick or I am leaving!!" He warned him before , he hung up the call. Looking around , he saw a small cafe and decided to grab something from. It was a weekend and he had no work so Taehyung forced him to come for some shopping.

Well he isn't the type of person who prefers strolling around and shopping but when Tae forced him to accompany him to buy a gift for Jin's birthday he couldn't say no.

If it wasn't for Taehyung he would still be in his office going through files even if it was a day off . He doesn't take a break or think about anything other than his work.

He exited the store with his favourite, hoy chocolate in one hand while he was checking the recent mails on his phone when he heard some faint noises ,it sounded like a child crying. He looked around , it wasn't that crowded probably because it was late afternoon. Out of the cafe he spotted some chairs and tables for customers to sit and enjoy the beautiful view of sky high buildings around.

He felt the sounds coming from one of those tables. He scooted near the third table, peeping under the table to fiund a small boy crying hugging his knees burying his face in between.

He looked barely 4.

"Baby where are your parents?" He asked worriedly, slowly taking the place beside him. He spoke in the softest tone possible making sure to not scare the boy.

The boy slowly lifted up his head upon hearing His voice.

His fluffy white cheeks and cute nose were now red because of crying. Big brown eyes filled with tears ,small pouty pink lips. He swore he was the cutest baby he has ever met in his entire life.

He flinched a little when the boy suddenly jumped onto his laps wrapping his tiny hands around his broad chest. Placing his head on his chest he began to sob quietly. He could hear low muffling sounds .

His heart began racing , it felt so warm. He also wrapped his arms around him picking both off them off ground. Still carrying the boy in His Arms, He Seated on a chair nearby while the boy kept snuggled in his arms like a little koala.

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