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What is all that?" He asked, pointing at two of the bags you dragged along .

"My clothes ofc!" you replied, already pissed by him. He didn't even give you a day to settle things after receiving the confirmation of your pregnancy. Thank god, you already made the arrangements beforehand.

"You don't need them " he said bluntly, making eyes widened. What will I wear ? His clothes.

"Why, will I be roaming naked in your house?" you snapped back, not even realising what you said. His eyes slightly widened but he instantly brought back his cold face.

"No we will buy new ones, anyways they won't fit you in a few months." He said taking your suitcases back to your apartment but you held his wrists.

"First, I will wear them until I can. Second ,you don't need to buy me anything . I can buy for myself" You said carrying your suitcase but he took them back.

"Let me carry." He said, knowing there was no point in arguing.

The car ride was silent . Neither he made a conversation nor you were in a mood to.

His boring ass didn't even allow you to play music so you just plugged in the earphones and soon dozed off.

You woke up feeling light taps on your shoulders. "

"Get up we are here"

You got out of the car while Namjoon brought your bags. It was a huge building, you assumed he might be living in a fancy bunglow or something but it didn't seem so.

He walked ahead while you followed him behind. The lift stopped at the 13th floor . He unlocked the door and both of you stepped in.

A small gasp left your mouth as you entered the living room. It was huge. It was minimal yet elegant. It was not a normal apartment but a penthouse. Never knew someone like him could have this good taste in decor.

"Let me take you to your room." He said walking upstairs and you followed him behind again.

You did get a sneak peak of the kitchen which was near the stairs, its looked beautiful with a small dining space outside.

Most of the furniture was either white or grey .

He opened the door to a beautiful room. One king sized bed ,two sides table , and couch and you could see a walk in closet. This room was just perfect . But something that confused you was another small bed a little distant from the main bed.

You entered the room checking around while he stood at the door frame. You walked inside the closet to find half it already filled with clothes, male clothes . You furrowed your brows in confusion. Why would he keep his clothes in your room?

You turned to find him already standing behind which startled you a bit. You almost bumped into him but preventing it , you instead bumped into the wall behind.

"Careful-" "Ouch!"

"Can't you be careful? I don't want you to harm my child." He slightly yelled leaning inn to check your head which luckily wasn't bad . No cut or whatsoever.

You don't know why but it felt a little bad.

"It's because of you!, you startled me" you said slowly but he didn't reply and walked out.

"Btw , why are your clothes here?" You asked ,opening your suitcase taking out some comfy clothes.

"Because it's my room." He replied, scrolling his phone.

"But didn't you just say it's mine?" You asked, turning towards him .

"Yes , It is my room and you will be staying here." he said nonchantly .

"What? But why? You have such a big house, don't you have any extra room." You asked

"Yes , I have plenty of others but I want you to stay with me so I can make sure my child is safe. " he said ,giving you an intense glare.

"excuse me but I never agreed to it. I wont stay in same room with some stranger what if you try to do something" You fake gasped .

He stood and walked closer to you. extremely close. His tall figure hovering over your little one.

"You did sign an agreement and you have to follow whatever I say for these 9 months also " he bent lower his face in line with yours "I am not interested in doing anything with girls like you" with that he left the room making you frozen

What did he mean girl like me? What does he even think of himself "You scoffed.

Now you understood the purpose of the extra bed. He sure as hell cared for his kid way too much. There was no point in arguing so you just went in to change.

Next Morning~

You woke up feeling a little uneasy. Slight headache and nauseous feeling never left you. Quickly taking a shower you went down to see Namjoon already dressed up for office .

Last night you were so tired that you didn't even realize when you dozed off, namjoon wasn't even in room till that time and today morning when you woke up he was awake beforehand.

This pregnancy does make you lot more sleepy.

"Good morning Mr. Kim." you sat opposite to him on the dinning table where toast and milks were already served.

"Morning" he said in the same coldness not even looking up from his phone.

Does he even know to smile? You wondered.

"Don't you know using mobile while eating is a bad habit?" you teased, munching on your perfectly buttered toast . He didn't even bother to reply .

You began feeling uneasiness in your throat almost wanting to make you throw up but you tried not to. You tried to distract yourself with your favourite banana milk which was places beside your breakfast.

Suddenly ,you felt a desire to throw up again but this time even more intense. You ran hurriedly upstairs to the bedroom. Kneeling down to the toilet seat , you were doing your work (lmao idk what to write😂) when you felt a pair of hands pulling your hairs behind. You slightly tilted your head to the side to see Namjoon holding your hairs with one hand while caressing your back with the other.

After emptying your entire stomach it felt a little better, but your throat felt like burning due to the intense throw up. After cleaning up Namjoon helped to the bed. Ngl lie, seeing his caring side, you found yourself smiling but stopped when you realized he was taking care of you only due to the baby.

"Stay here I will bring something to eat" He said, covering you with the blanket but you stopped him before he could even go.

"Don't you have office ? " You asked , you ofc didn't want to disturb his work. You could take care of yourself.

"Well, you don't need to worry about it. Just do what you are told"

He replied, walking off. You felt a little hurt by his rudeness but shrugged it off.

You couldn't get affected by his words. He is no one.


And finalllyy I posted !!

I am so sorry for the longeest break but I am back and will be posting much more regularly.

Thank you for having patience and waiting.

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