14 Apology accepted

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He sighed again. He had been doing it for about 5 minutes now. What does he want to talk about? When you were debating whether to approach him or not somehow he realised your presence behind him. He said he wanted to talk.

And now he was sitting on his bed and you were on your opposite side to him waiting for him to say something. He has just been sighing , everytime his lips part to say something he shuts them back with a sigh .

It is making you anxious now. What does he want to talk about? You could feel your arms sweating, your anxiousness had risen to its peak.

"Uhmm Mr. Kim? You are kind of scaring me now" You said honestly only to hear him sigh again.

"Mr. Kim What--" "I want to Apologise Ms. Yn"

Am I hearing things?

"Mr Kim?" You asked nervously .

"I..I just want to say sorry Ms. Yn for the way I acted and treated you in these months . I have come to realise everything I have done till now was really inappropriate, trapping you here, restricting your activities, invading your privacy, pretty much controlling your Life...This is all so wrong . Everything I have done till now was really wrong, I have no right to shout at you, I have been nothing but Mean and selfish, only caring about myself and not your state. And I am really sorry for Ms. Yn" He finished his rant with a sigh again. He looked really regretful .

Wow so I am not hearing things. He apologised. It seemed sincere.

You just nodded still thinking what to say at the moment.

"I am sorry, I know a sorry is not enough , Infact..." He paused, scratching back of his neck nervously. "I made breakfast for you hoping it might help but unfortunately.."

Wait Wait Wait! Hold Up?

So he made that sizzling delicious looking pasta for me?

"Hyung made breakfast Today?" Tae exclaimed in shock . "Yn, today must be like once in a blue moon day, Hyung has this hate-hate relationship with the kitchen. In our 7 years of friendship I have seen him in the kitchen just once and it was disastrous. He hates going to kitchen"

Taehyung's words from earlier echoed in your head.

So he cooked for me?

It would be a lie if you say you weren't moved. The man who can't stand in the kitchen cooked something for you when he clearly didn't have to and only showed how sincere his apology was.

"Ms. Yn, I know until now everything has been very hard for you especially because I chose to be a JERK instead of helping you make things easier for you but I want to change it, I hope the time we have to live together to be comfortable and not bitter and lonely for you. All these while I was so mean and yet you bear all my idiotic rules and never complained, you tried you best to be understanding . I can not express in words how thankful I am right now, and that night the things I said to you were really really inconsiderate and mean, I am extremely apologetic for it . I am sincerely really sorry" His voice was low, he didn't even dare to face you, that's how embarrassed he was of himself.

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