13 Pasta? or Burger?

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As usual Namjoon was already up by the time you woke up, after setting your bed you picked up some clothes and went to the bathroom.

You stood in front of the huge mirror only wearing your bra, after removing your T-shirt admiring your bump. It might not even be visible to other people because it was barely noticeable, it was like the bloating you have after a heavy meal but still you could feel it.

You could not ignore the slight rosyness which had already begun to appear on your cheeks making them like a soft petal of pink rose. Your skin was also growing more than ever.

Smiling to yourself you sat into the bathtub.

This is such a beautiful feeling.

This is how every Mom would feel right?

It's so calming yet exciting, soothing yet scary

but mostly a blessing.

didn't my mom feel this?

Did she anticipate my arrival like I am ?

Did she want to hold me like I wanted to?

Didn't she love me like I do?

Swiping away the tears that had unconsciously left your eyes, you hurriedly completed your bath as your stomach grumbled indicating it was time to eat.

You surely eat a lot huh? I had two meals a day and was just fine and now look at me? Eating the whole day and still feeling hungry? You giggled to yourself wearing a shirt and your comfy pyjamas.

You sprinted downstairs only to find a completely new view. Namjoon stood in the middle of a messy kitchen trying to cook something. Although the look of the kitchen was scary, the smell of food was definitely appetizing, watering your mouth.

You wanted to help him but again, you wanted another embarrassment like the soup so you immediately dropped the idea with a sad pout. Seeing him cook something delicious made you even more hungry and you could bet he wouldn't share with you. You were too hungry to cook and the daily breakfast bread and cereals seemed too boring. You weren't even sure if he would allow you to order something.

Namjoon's POV~

I got up an hour earlier than usual, I was determined to mend my mistakes.

Although I wasn't really sure how to initiate it, Well Ms. Yn and I aren't close, we never even talked informally, our relationship was complicated. I am not her boss or something but I ain't her friend either, how nice would it have been if I treated her better since the start none of this would have happened and me might even have become friends, like her and Taehyung.

Come to think of it, I wonder how close she is to him. Did they know each other from before?

Wearing the Apron, I turned to Youtube . I was never a "COOK" . It's something so difficult for me, I would rather bury myself in shares and papers than cook a simple meal .

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