Delighted | شاد

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(A/N: This chapter is this week's update which I was supposed to post on the coming Sunday. I won't be able to use Wattpad for a few days that's why I posted an early and lengthy update. Happy read.❤)

"Love -- not dim and blind but so far-seeing that it can glimpse around corners, around bends and twists and illusion; instead of overlooking faults love sees through them to the secret inside."

― Vera Nazarian, 

"Mahum, wake up", Faryal shook her to wake her up. Mahum mumbled something and turned her side on the bed.

Faryal turned her head towards zain, rolled her eyes, scrunched up her nose, and said "Is this the same girl who said she wanted to prove someone wrong. For the past 15 minutes we are trying to wake her up, majal hai is larki k kan pay ju b rengi ho ".

"Unfortunately yes", Zain said, crossing his arms above his chest.

"Let's go Zain, we are already late. Agr soruj nikul aya tou garmi barh jae gi ( If the sun arose, the weather will get hot).

"Let's go bhabhi", Zain stated and both of them went out. Usually, Faryal prefers the lawn of the house for this purpose but today due to Zain they went to the park which is commonly used by the locals for the morning walk.

A cool morning breeze was blowing. Birds flitted from tree to tree, chirping at each other and battling over the best roosting sights. The park was crowded than they had expected. People of all age groups were present. They were jogging, cycling, doing exercise, or like them some were just simply walking.

Zain and Faryal started walking on the track and kept talking to each other.

"I'm so happy you joined me Zain, really loving your company", Faryal bubbled in enthusiasm.

"Me too bhabhi",

"You know what, I'm not a kid anymore. Soon I'll be joining a business school. Larkiyon ko flat kar dun ga apne fit looks say (I'll impress girls with my fit looks)", He jocked. Faryal looked at him in sheer surprise and giggled.

"My brother is already fit and handsome, kuch na b karo tou larkiyan flat ho jani hain (girls will get impressed even if you don't do anything", She stated joyously.

"Haina?", Zain winked playfully.


They sat down on the bench for some rest and to watch a sunrise. The sunrays illuminated the blue sky as if it were igniting the most perfect flame.

"Magnificent", Zain muttered. He was slack-jawed at the sight. Faryal moved her head towards Zain, her features softened and lips curled into a smile.

"You have not seen a sunrise before", She asked curiously.

"Never", He replied.

"Actually, I have never looked at attentively before", He continued his eyes fixed on the sight in front of him.

"I think we should go now, You will get to see it tomorrow as well.", She stated.

"Do you want me to join you tomorrow as well?", He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"If that's how it sounds then yes", She said and stood up from the bench.

"Pleasure is all mine, my lady", He said and slightly bowed down to which she giggled in reply. Both of them walked out of the park and started going towards their house.

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