Author's note

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Hola! I hope everything is great at your side.

On 3 December 2020, I registered my account on Wattpad with the silliest name that popped up into my mind. I posted the first chapter which I wasn't sure if anyone would read it let alone liking it. The only thing I had in my mind about the story was what I wrote in the description. I suggested my book to 10 people through a message (Yes I counted, haha. I thought I was the first to suggest my book to someone, and it was so embarrassing for me because I can not ask for anything from anyone. I was inexperienced and didn't know that book suggestions are normal thing here). Unexpectedly in a short time, people started reading "My Companion".

Penning down Zohaib and Faryal's was one hell of an emotional roller coaster for me just like for all of you. They might be mere characters for someone but for me, they were and will be alive in my mind. I tried to keep everything as realistic as possible.  When they smiled I smiled. When they cried I cried too because If I can't feel it by myself then how will someone else feel it. Both had their own flaws, insecurities, jade edges but isn't it how we all are and it makes us human. No one can be calm, optimistic, and mature in every situation the only thing which makes us different is that how we deal with it. Our baby Zahra has become the apple of her every khala's eye too and I know she is everyone's favorite character from the very beginning. Saying a bye to them is hard for me too.

Thank you for loving Huzaifa and Mahum's s story (Personally I loved how their story took turns). Roshni and Uzair didn't have much but still, you guys showed them, love, thanks for it. Thank you for loving each and every character, I'm not sure if can say this for dadi phupho haha. Khair hai barhi hain hum phir bi pyar karen gay un say.

I'm so happy and grateful that you guys accepted my story the way it was, as it was against the stereotypes and odds of our society. If I was able to change the mindset of even one of you towards such sensitive and unideal life conditions then I think I did a great job. 

Thank you for pouring in so much love.

Thank you for all the motivation.

Thank you for believing in me. 

Regarding the question that if I'll write another book or not. Yes, I'll come back with Zain's story. For now, I'm a bit hesitant to start a new one that's why I'm taking a break from writing. I'll come back when I'll be able to give you a regular weekly update.  

I understand many of you have queries regarding the completion of the book. I didn't post this note alongside the chapter yesterday so I can know about your questions first and then answer them collectively in a note.

1- Yes the book is completed (as I would prefer to call it, the word ended is kinda unsettling for me to use in a positive context), it wasn't a prank guys. 

2- I'll post an epilogue for sure. I won't post it on Friday because I need time to think about how I want to show their future. 

3- There won't be any bonus chapter as I don't think so there is anything left to write. In my point of view If you look at the changing dimensions of the Zohaib-Faryal relationship from the beginning, they have lived and shared every human emotion even though when they were unaware of their feeling for each other. They had great emotional compatibility and understanding. The only thing which was missing between them was physical intimacy (mature one) which as I said before I won't include in my book. I included the kissing scene because they were needed at a certain point. So there is nothing in my mind that I can show in the bonus chapter. 

4- I won't write any other book about Zahra's future (as suggested by some of you). The reason is that let's put a closure to the Zahra-Zohaib-Faryal story with a good note. A happily ever after. Let them remain in our memories as young, happy, and deeply in love family. Zahra is too precious to all of us to see her go through any sufferings that maybe the later life might bring upon her. 

5- I do not have any plan to write the Uzair-Roshni story at the moment. I don't know if I'll ever write about it. The reason why I added their part was to show that despite of his one side love angle Uzair selflessly moved forward. If he was the evil one he could have done something wrong to get back Faryal but he didn't that's why for having a big heart he needed someone as good as him in his life too.  

6- I'll add a part of Huzaifa-Mahum in the epilogue.  

Lastly, thank you so much for making this journey so beautiful by becoming a part of it. I'm going to miss all of you. If anyone want to say or share something you can personally message me. I do reply late as a use Wattpad from my laptop but I'll get back to you.

You can also contact me through my Instagram account "Hazelthescribbler".  

If I had missed anyone's question, do let me know so I can answer it.

We'll meet again

Don't know where, don't know when

We all had a good time

And we're sad to see it end

Good luck be with you

You go your way, I'll go mine

So until the next time

It's farewell and not good-bye


Take care,

Love and light.❤

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