Chapter Seven: What Happens in Somerset House... [Part One]

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✦ A short Author's note ✦

Dearest Readers, my story has just reached 1 K reads! As Franny would say, I am in raptures! I'm grateful for every read, vote and comment I receive and I am glad that we are trying to cope with the Bridgerton-hangover together. It is also accidentally Valentine's Day, what better way to celebrate than with a new chapter! 

Enjoy and thank you again,

Lady Holmes 


"Do you know, Franny, where the next social event will take place?"

"Hmm, let me guess Aunty, it must be extravagant, able to host half of London, the wealthier and more fashionable half, there must be refreshments of alcoholic nature and food, maybe even live animals. A zoo is my best guess, but one could argue we are already in one."

Henry Granville chuckled at his niece's usually brilliant remark while Mrs. Granville did not miss a beat.

"At Somerset House."

"Really," Franny exclaimed, her face lighting up with a huge grin. She jumped up, completely forgetting about the teacup in her lap, and with impressive agility, nobody would have attributed to her, she managed to catch the piece in mid-air. Neither of the Granvilles bat an eyelid.

"I am in raptures, Aunty! I can hardly believe that the Queen is letting us in! I cannot wait to marvel at all the paintings, especially Uncle's! I must make myself ready," her excitement indeed was hardly contained as she ascended the stairs with an unusual vigour to get ready for a party.

"I am glad that Everly did not prepare my grandmother's china set for today's tea," Mrs. Granville commented.

"I don't think he ever does when Franny is around. That man is awfully clever and forward-thinking, we do not give him enough credit," acknowledged Mr. Granville.

Franny's eyes were glittering with awe as she stepped into Somerset House, covered from floor to ceiling with a wide variety of state-of-the-art paintings. It was as if a dream had come true, to make a social appearance while in practice examining pictures all day was the greatest gift she could receive. She could hardly believe that the queen had let the ton in, therefore she was determined to enjoy this momentary lapse of judgement while it lasted. Her aunt needed to remind her multiple times to close her mouth and do not prance in front of the highly acclaimed members of the ton, with little use nonetheless. As Lady Danbury snatched Mr. Granville away upon their arrival and Mrs. Granville decided to meet up with some of her friends to discuss the latest state of affairs (also known as gossip), Franny was left to mingle, but exceptionally she did not mind it. Strangely, she was even up for some suitors chatting her up as talking enthusiastically to someone was more socially acceptable than muttering to herself.

Naturally, everyone turned around when the Bridgertons entered. Daphne Bridgerton, always the subject of curious and admiring eyes, her mother, who has been playing the self-appointed wing-woman for her numerous children, and the three ravishingly handsome and very eligible Bridgerton brothers, the most valuable catches of husband-hunting. The way the viscountess's eyes settled on certain darling debutantes Franny was sure she was advertising them to her eldest son, who beat a hasty retreat upon arrival. Her next victim would have been Benedict if he had not made his escape by tearing his hand away from her mother and gesturing no excessively. She chuckled at the scene as in her mind's eyes she imagined herself enacting a very similar manoeuvre if her aunt had sent her mind on introducing her to some bachelors. Finally, Lady Bridgerton settled for his youngest and sweetest son, and Franny could find some satisfaction in the thought of Colin having to endure an afternoon of matchmaking.

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