Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Devious Ruse

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✨Dearest Readers,✨

Here's a long chapter to make up for the long wait. Kudos to Kayla for proofreading 😘 We only have one last to go, but it will be full of mischief and drama and quite possibly a happy ending (or maybe not?). I definitely have a lot of twists in store for you. I also thought that once the story is over, I would share with you some of the books and movies that inspired me (perspicacious readers have already put their fingers on many references) and also write a bit about how the story progressed (and reveal some of the plans that I decided not to include, like Benedict cheating on Franny, or Franny stealing a kiss from one of the other Bridgerton boys...), that is, if you are interested :). For now, enjoy the Bridgerton-Granville supremacy 👑💥💜


One shall not boast of one's accomplishments – a piece of wisdom we must heed. This Author absolutely disregards the tenet and would like to be the first, and definitely not the last, to announce that the infamously outspoken and brazen Ms. Frances Granville, and the equally mysterious and handsome Mr. Benedict Bridgerton shall soon walk down the aisle. Surely the prize for the most accomplished matchmaker and ambitious Mama of the Season is awarded to Lady Bridgerton for she not only managed to find (an exceptionally dashing) match to one of her children but two! Now the only all-important question that remains:

will our one and only Reluctant Debutante be a Willing Bride?

"Now I know why prim young ladies are kept in the dark about matters of this kind," Franny pondered with a dreamy smile on her face. Cuddled up comfortably in Benedict's warm embrace she wished they wouldn't have to leave the bed.

"I take it you found the evening to your liking, then?" Benedict teased, raising a playful eyebrow accompanied by one of his languish smiles. He knew just exactly how much both of them enjoyed the night, but there wasn't a man on earth who didn't like his skills praised.

Instead of her usual eye-roll, Franny put her head on Benedict's muscled chest. The memory of how his toned body fit hers perfectly was livid in her mind. How he rained kisses all over her body, how her skin tingled where he touched her and how he ignited a never-ending fire in her.

"Perhaps fun shouldn't be reserved just for the evening," Franny suggested, her voice laced with mischief. Benedict's smile grew wilder and hungrier, as he rolled Franny on top of him. One of his arms snaked around her slender waist, while the other chipped her jaw between his index finger and thumb. Her body felt divine on his, and he couldn't get enough of the sight of her milky skin, her golden locks spread across his chest, her storm-coloured eyes gradually becoming hazy as he proceeded to kiss her senseless. It was definitely heaven.

"My lady, your wish is my command, as always."


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