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The whole story would be in jimin's pov......

One of his hands went inside the loose T- shirt I was wearing and I giggled as he slowly traced his fingers down to the hem of my boxer. It felt ticklish and at the same time relaxing because after almost a long period of time, we both were spending some quality time just like before.

'Leave me jungkook, the eggs would get burned.' I muttered and moved away from him, turning off the gas stove in a hurry.

He pulled me by my waist and I let out a groan when my back came in contact with his sturdy chest.

It had been a whole week of him slamming my back against the wall but the pain was still there. I had to take leave from my office as I couldn't go to work with a painful back and not to forget my bruised face was also something that added as a reason for me to not go to office with jungkook.

'Does it still hurt?' Jungkook asked as he kept his chin at the crook of my neck.

I nodded and he turned me around to face him.

'I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't provoke me in the first place. I did warn you long before. It's you who didn't listen to me. I guess you are aware, it was your fault.....don't you?' Jungkook asked and stared at me wanting me to say nothing but yes at whatever he said.

'I know, jungkook. I won't do that again.' I found myself admiring his eyes as I said what I was supposed to say.

Years back, his eyes used to be occupied with adoration, affection whenever he was near by my side. My reflection looked so jolly and goofy through his eyes that I couldn't help but to continously gaze at them.

And over the time, his eyes turned tedious whenever he looked at me. He never looked at me with the same amount of adoration anymore. It was as if he was tired with me making me scared with the thought of him leaving me all alone in this world. I had no one except him to call as mine and I had been doing everything he said just to make sure he won't get tired of me, of my existence.

I did fuck up sometimes by not obeying his words. He said he loved me and that was enough for me to keep going.

Throughout the whole week, I behaved the way he wanted me to behave. I spoke what his ears wanted to listen. It felt as if I was walking on eggshells, being cautious and alert every second to not to do something that could make jungkook more angrier than before.

And luckily, he was all sweet and caring to me during that period.

He cuddled with me, even took me to a ice cream parlour and we even went on a date. I had never been that happier before.

He told me it was a reward for obeying him and I was glad I didn't mess up otherwise I couldn't have experienced those sweet moments with him.

I ignored all of those red flags that I had received in the midst of our relationship and I had no choice but to stick with that later on as I had  unknowingly been trapped into a vast maze with no escape.

And it was too late for me to realize that shit.

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