Chapter 17

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Soooo before you read this chapter... I have been considering creating a book of one shots, these contain both (mostly) smut and doesn't only contain ereri. I'll let you know when the first chapter is up but please check that out, I wanna improve my Yaoi for you guys, requests will be open, and yes I'd love loads of feedback! Now enjoy this new chapter!

While Annie was getting Eren's measurements Armin and Mikasa were being put in what felt like a million outfits before Sasha and Historia found a dress for Mikasa and a suit for Armin chosen by Hange making sure he'd slightly match with Erwin.

Once Annie was done she immediately started drawing sketches of the dress before excusing herself and leaving the room. "I just noticed how big this room is," Eren said looking around seeing Mikasa and Armin his their formal wearing making him chuckle since both their hair was a mess from constantly taking things off and putting things back on. "Yeah it's about as big as our living room and kitchen," Mikasa said finally putting on her normal clothes again. "Could you see me living here, I'd probably either get lost and die, or I'd go mad," Eren joked sitting down next to Armin while Hange and Sasha along with Historia joined them near the fireplace. "it's not that bad, there are a lot of servants so it's never lonely," Historia explained looking up at Eren as she seated herself on the floor next to Sasha.

"Yeah it's really not that bad once you meet the right people that is, which is why you are so lucky you met us," Sasha said proudly looking up at the two boys noticing Armin glancing at Erwin and Mikasa looking around still a bit uncomfortable. "Yeah, that is true, you guys all seem so close but stil I could never live without my friends," Eren said looking around the group. "That can be arranged," Hange said smirking at Erwin who gave her a death glare. "Still, you guys seem so close what are you guys doing around here," Armin asked looking from Erwin to the rest of the group.

"Annie is the seamstress, Hange is Levi's advisor and with Historia would be a midwife if Levi were to have married a girl, Erwin is Levi's personal guard, I am a simple maid who normally wakes up Levi in the morning and make sure he attends breakfast, Marco is just like me though he's not here, Ymir and Connie work in the stables along side me sometimes, Historia mostly cleans and is a midwife and can always be found in the library or hanging in the stables with Ymir," Sasha said making sure to go by everyone even mentioning Marco, Connie and Ymir. "Though you all have different jobs you seem so close," Mikasa pointed out looking at Historia.

"Yeah, we try to make the best of things, plus we all see each other during our breaks and at night, so we slowly grew closer together," Hange explained wrapping an arm around Erwins neck slightly pulling him down. "But me and this one over here, are probably closest to Levi, Erwin grew up with him, and me, my mother was a midwife here before she died and I had already made friends with Levi so I managed to stick around and become his advisor, though I mostly just tease him. Plus I was supposed to be Levi his wife's midwife," Hange explained watching Armin's expression change seeing how close Erwin and Hange were. "But we're all good friends, expect for Connie, Sasha and Ymir and Historia, though Historia would never admit it," Hange said laughing letting go of Erwin who took his normal serious posture again. "Oi, Erwin chill, nothings gonna happen, relax," Hange said sitting down on the floor next to Historia close to the fire.

"Oi, we've been looking for you," everyone turned their focus on the door watching a bald guy in rather normal clothing walk in followed by a tall serious looking woman with dark brown hair and freckles and lastly a shy looking guy with dark hair and freckles. "Where did you think we were," Sasha said as the bald guy made his way over to her placing a kiss on her head. "I don't know we saw the horses in the stables when we came back so we went to Annie who told us you were here, so on the way here we picked up Marco as well," the guy explained sitting down behind Sasha. "Connie Springer, pleasure to meet you," He said smiling looking at Armin and Eren who both gave him a small smile and a simple nod. "Ymir," the tall woman said sitting down next to Historia whispering something in her ear making her both giggle and blush. "Marco Bott," he said sitting down next to Hange. Starting a short conversation. "So hold on wait, who are these three," Connie asked turning to Eren, Armin and Mikasa. "Uh that is Eren Jaeger, Levi's mate, that's Armin Artlet his friend, and Mikasa Jaeger, his sister," Hange explained pointing at the three one at a time. "Wait, Eren Jaeger, oh shit, I am so sorry for being so informal," Connie said looking at his lap. "Oh no please don't, it's alright, I'm just the son of our local doctor nothing special," Eren said giving him a warm smile watching Connie look up again, "wait doctors son, Jaeger, is Grisha Jaeger your father," Connie asked looking up at Eren. "Uh yeah, he's my father," Eren said smiling at him. "Didn't be deliver Levi," Connie asked looking at Erwin who just simply nodded. "Wow my dad never told me that," Eren said laughing scratching the back of his neck. When Eren was told he got to come here today, he'd never expected everybody to be so kind and close, he never thought they'd feel so much like a family.

"You learn something new everyday huh," Eren turned his gaze to the door watching Levi walk in looking at the group gathered at the fire place laughing and talking. "Levi," Eren jumped up wrapping his arms around the alpha's neck. "I missed you," Levi said burying his head into the crook of his neck taking in his omega's scent. "I missed you too," Eren mumbled into his chest holding him tighter. "You saw each other yesterday," Hange dramatically stated throwing her hands in the air. "Zip it four eyes," Levi growled at the giggling woman, before turning his attention to Eren again. "Did Annie get everything she needed," Levi asked looking at Hange again who nodded. "Good, thank you guys for helping us out," Levi said nodding towards the whole group. "No problem Levi," Hange said smiling. "Uh would it be to much to ask if you could take us back home early, my grandfather is probably wondering where i am," Armin said looking at Levi who is still holding Eren close to him. "Not at all, Connie, Sasha could you..," the couple immediately got up and walked to the door. "We'll return them home safely," Sasha said saluting her superior as Connie did the same. Levi had already turned his attention back to Eren kissing his slightly red cheeks. "Do you have to go home so soon," Levi breathed against his earlobe kissing the sensitive skin behind it. "Ah, Mikasa could you tell mom I might be a bit late tonight," Eren said watching Armin walk to the door with her. "yeah I will," she gave Eren a soft smile before following Sasha and Connie out the room.

"Oh by the way this would probably also be a good time to tell you who don't know that I am an omega, meaning that Hange, Historia you might actually get to be midwives," Eren said still a bit skeptical and scared of the concept of having kids, let alone carry them himself. "Wait you're serious," Historia jumped up and walked over to the two hearing Levi growl when she got a little to close for his liking. Eren placed a hand on the alpha's cheek which seemed to calm him down. Eren walked up to Historia and hugged her, he had never seen her that happy, on the other hand he had only known her for a couple of hours. When she finally pulled away Eren walked back to his alpha who immediately grabbed onto him and started rubbing his scent over the omega making him laugh. "Never seen this side of the prince," Ymir joked making Levi softly growl. "Come on," Levi whispered in Eren's ear before taking them out if the room. "Have fun love birds don't break the bed," they could hear Hange screaming from the room making everyone laugh.

Levi opened the door to his chambers and pulled Eren in with him, a devilish smirk planted on his face pulling Eren against him his own back pressed up against the door. "God, that meeting with my parents was hell knowing you were wandering around here," Levi spoke in a low voice softly growling placing kisses along Eren's neck. "It couldn't have been that bad," Eren giggled letting out soft gasps when feeling Levi suck on his neck and scent glands softly licking it making sure Eren smelled like him. "It was... all talking about this stupid ball... but I just... wanted to... find you... and kiss you," Levi said in between kisses trailing up to his jaw and cheek. "Well, I'm here loverboy so kiss me," Eren said seductively smiling at Levi, running his hands through the alpha's hair. "With pleasure," Levi leaned forward. Eren teasingly leaning back a bit until the omega would almost loose balance, he finally allowed Levi to kiss him running his hands through his hair, feeling the alpha's tight hold on his hips letting his hands fall down to his ass softly squeezing it.

Eren softly gasped allowing Levi to slip his tongue in the omega's mouth earning a soft moan. "Jump," Levi whispered in a low voice against Eren's lips. He didn't question it and jumped up feeling Levi's rather large rough but firm hands on his ass holding him up, kissing him again. Eren let out a moan wrapping his legs around Levi's hips his hands softly tugging on Levi's hair.

Levi softly pressed Eren up against the door making him gasp, taking this opportunity he slipped his tongue back into the omega's mouth hearing muffled moans from Eren feeling his erection rub against his stomach his own erection brushing against Eren's ass.

Don't know if the next chapter will be smut but I hope you enjoyed we finally got to know more of the side characters in this story, and the roles they play, I wasn't originally gonna give Historia the role of second midwife next to Hange but otherwise she kinda just fell out of the story and I did want to include her in some way other than her relationship with Ymir, but don't worry more characters are coming, some from the show (and manga) others my original work! I do wanna quickly tell you that everybody is around the same age give or take a couple of years from Hange and Erwin but all of Levi's staff has been working and living in the castle since they were kids since their parents worked as servants to the king. Tell me how you liked the story and I'll see you next week!



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