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"Rosalie won't be happy about this."

Edward had read the youngest Cullen's thoughts and found out what had happened when the Cullen family was gone.

"I know." Was all Eliza had said.

When they had arrived back into Forks, Washington, the three Cullen children called their family to return home. Eliza had left after they arrived and went over to the Uley house. The sun was setting but she knew they were there. She could smell the freshly cooked dinner and she could hear the pack having a great time.

Eliza also heard the sound of Seth's voice as he talked and laughed. Immediately Eliza became nervous. What if he thought it all to be a dream? What if he hated her for what she truly was? Eliza was just about ready to turn back and wait for everyone to leave but she heard the crunching of leaves behind her causing her to turn around.

"Back so soon?" Jacob Black appeared from the tree line with a scowl on his face.

"Look Jake. I'm sorry. I should've never said it but I did to save my brother." Eliza sighed.

"What about Embry?" Jacob hissed.

"Don't you dare bring him into this." Eliza hissed back.

"Yeah. What if he had been begging you to stay?! Would you have gone to your little blood sucking brother!?" Jacob was now shaking and Eliza knew he was extremely strong and she probably couldn't take him if she tried.

"I wouldn't have. I had to save my brother from death. I know you're in love with Bella but she's in love with Him. There's nothing I can do to stop it." Eliza took a step back.

By now the entire pack had came out excluding Emily. "What did you say?" He growled at her

"She loves him Jacob. I'm sorry if you can't accept that but you have to at some point. She chose him." Eliza took another step back.

Jacob had enough and he jumped in the air phasing. The pack tried to run to help Eliza but she jumped in the air and tackled him to the ground before throwing him into a nearby tree.

"Jacob enough." Sam yelled in his alpha voice.

Jacob just growled but he didn't attack. Eliza was already in an attack stance just in case if he did charge at her again. Jacob grunted and took off running in his wolf form. Eliza calmed down after his thoughts faded away from her mind.

"Liza!" Jared ran to the young girl and picked her up and twirled her around.

"Hey Jared." She hugged him back inhaling his scent. To the other Cullen's the shifters smelled terrible. But to Elise they smelled of wood and earth.

"Nice to see you too princess." Paul chuckled. Jared put Eliza down and she ran over to him and hugged him tightly. They two let go and smiled.

Eliza looked at Embry who looked broken but still smiled. "Hey."

"Hey." She went over and hugged him tightly wanting to fix every broken part of him but she knew she couldn't. He hesitantly put his arms around her and hugged her just as tight.

You know I'll always love you. She sent a message to his mind. He just nodded and kissed the top of her head before pushing her to Sam who welcomed her with open arms. She giggled as he slightly lifted her off the ground.

"Missed you Sammy."

"Missed you too E. There's someone you should formally meet." Sam turned her around to Seth and she blushed. Eliza pushed her hair out of her face and walked over to him.

"Hi. I'm Elizabeth Cullen. But you can call me Eliza." She held her hand out for him to take and he smiled brightly as he placed his hand in hers.

"Seth Clearwater. It's nice to meet you." He greeted.

"It's nice to meet you too. I guess we have a lot to talk about huh?" She asked nervously.

"Yeah we probably do." He rubbed the back of his neck with a smile still clear on his face.

"How about after dinner?" Emily asked from the doorway of her home.

"Dinner sounds great." Eliza smiled at her friend and made her way inside with the pack minus Jacob and Leah trailing behind her.

Eliza knew she was going to have a lot to explain to the pack. About what had happened between her and Jacob the other night, why she had left and what happened while she was gone.

The young Cullen would also have to explain to her entire Clan about what had happened when they left forks and why their daughter was going to be around a certain shifter everyday. And why she was so happy and giddy all of the time.

But not only did she need to have a talk with the entire pack and her coven of vampires, she needed to have a talk with Seth Clearwater. Not just about what they are and will be to each other, but also about what she is. To say Eliza was nervous was an understatement. Her mind was filled with every single possibility that could potentially happen during her talk with Seth.

She had to take every think one step at a time. And she was okay with that. She was happy.

Her Gold Eyes / New MoonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang