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"Who's ready for shopping!?"

Emily and Eliza went down stairs to the pack of men who turn into animals and waited for a reply. They had spend the last few hours cleaning out the spare bedroom and it looked spotless but now they were exhausted from the heavy lifting and cleaning they had to do.

"Not me." They all responded.

"Yeah Em, you want us to clean and go shopping with you. That's just crazy." Jared sighed.

"Sam, you'll come right?" Emily looked to her fiancée.

"Yes I'll come. Give me a few minutes." He stood up and kissed her cheek before heading to the bathroom to shower and get ready to spend time with his mate.

"Anyone else?" Eliza asked looking around at the boys sitting around.

"Nope." They all called and pretended to fall asleep.

"Jared?" She asked.

"I think Kim and I have a date. Let me just ask." He pulled out his phone and ran out of the house not wanting to be seen holding his best friends bags like he knew he would.

"I'll go." Embry stood up. "If you want me to that is."

Paul mumbled something to himself and rolled his eyes and let out a booming laugh at whatever he told himself, causing Embry and Eliza to glare them.

"What's so funny?" Eliza growled causing Paul to jump out of his skin.

"Uh, nothing." They cleared their throats.

"I gotta go patrol?" Paul ran out the doors of the small looking home and disappeared into the forrest.

"There's not even any patrol?" Eliza questioned herself. She thought there wasn't but she could maybe be wrong.

"There's not Liza." Embry chuckled. "I'm gonna shower before we go. Can I use your restroom?" He didn't wait for an answer and continued to walk past the two women.

"I knew I wasn't wrong!" Eliza shouted.

"Of course not sweetie. Let's get a snack before we go." Emily whispered the last part hoping none of the wolves heard her. The girls skipped off to the kitchen and quickly made a snack before Sam and Embry could interfere.


"How about this one?" Emily suggested a purple comforter for her full sized bed that she would be sleeping in.

"I think Bella has that comforter." She could remember her brother's thoughts vividly. "How is she by the way?" Eliza knew that she should go see her brother's mate but couldn't bring herself to do so.

"I don't know. Jacob was hanging out with her last time I heard. The boys are still waiting for him to phase and join the pack." Emily chuckled. Eliza felt sad that her close friend had scars on her face and wished that she could heal them. Emily Young was beautiful with her scars. She was beautiful all day every day. Eliza knew she herself was gorgeous but to her, Emily was extremely beautiful.

"Maybe I'll ask Embry about it. See if he knows anything. Oh look!" Eliza grabbed Emily's hand and took off running in the direction of a bright baby blue comforter.

"I like it!" Emily smiled.

"Me too!" Eliza grinned back at her.

"I do too." A male voice popped up. Eliza immediately recognized the voice of Mike Newton. Usually the boy's thoughts were loud enough to enter Eliza's head and give her a heads up that he's in the vicinity but they didn't today.

"Mike? Hi.. How are you?" Eliza forced a smily and pulled Emily to her side, hoping Mike would take the hint that she's busy.

"I'm good. What happened to you? You and your family just, disappeared." He let out a laugh but Eliza could tell it was fake.

"Oh yeah, my family just decided we needed some time away. I came back to visit my friends." Eliza was hoping Embry or Sam were around. Hopefully both.

"Oh that's understandable." Weird. If she wasn't friends with Bella she'd still be a hot freak Cullen.

"Yeah." Emily could feel the awkwardness in the air but she didn't want to say anything to embarrass the boy in front of her nor did she want to embarrass Eliza as well. She just looked between the two and then looked around for her fiancé.

"So, Eliza, I was wondering if you'd like to ha-"

"There you two are!" Eliza let out a sigh of relief at Sam Uley's voice. "We've been looking for the two of you for a while now. You're hard to track down." Sam had a half smirk on his face. He winked at Eliza letting her know they heard in time to come to her rescue.

Embry went and stood next to Eliza and put his arm around her shoulders and holding up a gift bag for her. "What's this?" She asked looking up at him.

"Just something we picked up for you." Embry smiled down to her. "Who's this?" Annoyance clear in his voice when he noticed the reddening face of the boy standing a little too close to Eliza.

"This is Mike Newton. He goes to Forks high school and is one of Bella Swan's friends. Mike this is Embry." Eliza introduced the two men who were having a stare down. Mike reached his hand out slightly but Embry pretended not to notice.

"Were you in the middle of asking her something?" Embry asked the boy who was clearly annoyed that his moment to ask out the available Cullen girl was ruined by the two men who appeared.

"It can wait. It was nice seeing you Eliza." Mike gave her a small but fake smile.

"You too Mike." The Blonde nodded and turned around walking away from the group who intimidated him.

"Is that the Mike Newton you were telling me about?" Emily asked.

"Yup. I wish I would've known he was here. I would've dragged you into another store instead of this one. No doubt he's going to find some way to bring this up to Bella and she's going to find some way to find me." Eliza sighed and leaned against Embry.

"Is that bad?" The boy looked down to his crush. He knew what imprinting was and he was almost devastated that he didn't imprint on her because she was the gorgeous. He did everything he could to not fall for her.

"She'll go looking for me at the house and if she doesn't try to get over Edward, We'll have left for nothing. So, can I open this?" Eliza smiled sheepishly at Embry who just chuckled but said yes.

Eliza quickly opened the bad and saw a plush of a wolf in the bag. She laughed, "a wolf? As if I don't see one everyday. Thank you Embry!" She hugged him tightly. "I love it."

"I hope so. Look around its neck." Eliza looked around its neck and sure enough there was a necklace with a small dreamcatcher on it.

"A dreamcatcher? Thats so thoughtful." Eliza hugged him again even tighter and longer than her last hug. "You're the best Embry."

"Hey, I helped." Sam called as he chuckled.

"I'm sure you did handsome." Emily laughed and kissed her fiancé. "Come on, Eliza picked out the comforter she wanted but we still have lots of things to look for."

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