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"That was completely stupid and reckless of you!"

To say Rosalie was pissed was an understatement. Rosalie was beyond pissed. She was ready to hurt anything and everything in her path because her sister was hurt.

"But I'm fine Rose." Eliza pointed out. "I'm already almost completely healed. I'll be fine."

"This is your fault." Rosalie growled at Edward. He had taken Bella home already and was facing the wrath of his sister.

"I didn't tell her to get in the way. She did that on her own." He argued.

"But if you hadn't brought that human in here Eliza wouldn't be hurt at all!" She shouted.

"Rose!" Esme scolded her. "Eliza is fine. She said so herself and that is my daughter so I believe her. You should too." Rose hesitated before storming off to Eliza's side and taking her to her room.

"Get some sleep because you and I are going to have a long conversation about what you've done when you get up." Rosalie kissed her sisters forehead and tucked her into bed before turning off the light and leaving the room.

The next morning Rosalie entered her little sisters room with a tray full of breakfast.

"Eliza." She whispered.

The sleeping girl groaned before rolling over in her bed. "What's this?" Her eyes widened at the sight of her sister bringing her food.

"I guess this is an apology." Rosalie sighed before placing the tray at the end of her sisters bed.

"An apology?" Eliza raised an eyebrow at the vampire.

"Question it again and I'm throwing it all out the window." Rosalie growled.

Eliza just laughed, "it's okay Rose. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped in the way but I thought I could minimize the damage to her rather than causing more." She reached over for a piece of sausage on the tray.

"I don't know how you can eat such greasy foods." Rosalie scoffed in disgust.

"Years of practice sister. Years of practice." Eliza laughed before continuing to eat the food her sister brought.

"When you're done come downstairs there's something we need to discuss with you." Rosalie caressed her sisters hair before kissing her forehead.

"You got it sister." Eliza winked causing Rosalie to laugh.

"Hey Rose." She called before Rosalie left the room.

"Yeah?" She turned around to her sister who was still laying in bed.

"Thanks. I know I never say it but you're a really good sister."

Rosalie smiled brightly, "if you weren't so much of a nuisance, you'd be and even better sister."

"Rose!" Elena threw her pillow at her but missed because Rosalie disappeared. She could hear the rest of her family laughing downstairs knowing they heard Eliza and Rosalie's conversation without even trying.

Eliza just sighed and smiled. She loved her family and knew they would all be together forever.

Her Gold Eyes / New MoonWhere stories live. Discover now