Befriending Percy

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Zeus's POV
    Melissa's death was all over the news. The cops, doctors, or coroner's couldn't figure out how she was killed. Melissa was killed by a surge of energy that a house or a power plant couldn't create. But now, since she's out of the way, I can finally try and get Percy to love me. Percy was at her locker. Her jet-black hair fell on her shoulders, she wore a blue jacket and white sweatpants. I can't blame her for letting herself go, it was very cold. I stood beside her and to start conversation asked, "Have you seen the news? Crazy how Melissa died, right?" She looked at me for a moment before saying. "That's not your locker." "What?" I said confused. "I said that's not your locker. Your locker is next to Latin class." She had her books in hand and was ready to leave. "I know, I just needed to find a reason to get close to you." I leaned on the locker with my hands in my pockets. "Why because your girlfriends dead and now you need a new one?" Percy closed her locker and walked towards first period. I walked in front of her. "Melissa and I were never a couple. I never liked her, she liked me. I'm more into girls like you." I placed my hand on her chin. "Is it because my parents are in the FBI?" "What?" "Is it because my mother is the best technical analyst in the world and could find any dirt on you?" "What? No!" She grabbed the collar of my shirt and threw me into the lockers next to us. Damn, she's strong. "Look, pal, sorry if I don't seem trusting of you, but considering that you didn't like Melissa and now she's dead. I'm going to keep away from you, so stay away from me." She knows I killed Melissa! If she does then she knows I'm Zeus. Wait, no, she only thinks I killed her. Before I could get a word in, the bell rung. We didn't have the same first period. I saw her at lunch talking to her satyr friend, Grover. I was a bit jealous of that satyr, she laughed at his jokes, she hugged him, and he got to go over to her house. "Hey, Percy. . . Grover." I said walking up to them. "Hi Aegis." Percy rolled her eyes, Grover averted his. "What do you want?" "Look, Percy, I think we got off the wrong foot when we met." "Oh, really?" She said it with attitude. "Yes, really, I may have come off as a bit of a jerk-" "Which is why you decided to get me gifts?" Percy raised her eyebrows. "You knew?!" I was surprised she knew I gave her those things. I always put that they were from a secret admirer. "Yeah, it wasn't that hard to find out. One, I never got gifts before you came, two I saw you peeking to see my reaction, you're not slick. Three-" she grabbed my collar and whispered in my ear. "I know you're Zeus." When she let go, she took a bite of her pizza. "Who told you?! Your dad?" Percy pointed to Grover with her thumb, "blabbermouth."  I glared at Grover, who stuttered quickly. "I didn't mean to! It just came out!" "Hey, hey, stop glaring at my friend, Zeus." Percy said mockingly. She got up to throw away the tray. "You don't get to speak to me that way, Jackson. I am still king, no matter what form I'm in." She pivoted around on her heels, forcefully grabbed my light blue tie. She stared me dead in the eyes and whispered. "I don't care who you are. I don't care that you're king. You are in my domain now, Zeus. Don't forget that." She let go of my tie and walked away, swaying those curvy hips. Oh, she's going to pay.

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