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Warning: There will be sex in this.
Percy's POV
I was at my dad, Morgan's house. I had made some blueberry ice cream cake. Dad was away on a case, he and the others won't be back till Tuesday. Grover had freaked out about the way I talked to Zeus, I told him it'd be fine and that we have nothing to worry about. Or so I thought. It was midnight, I was watching Toy Story 2. There was a knock at the door, I paused the movie, and got up. I opened the door to see a 40-50 year old man, he had shoulder length black hair and a gray and black neatly trimmed beard. He was wearing a dark blue pinstriped suit with a white undershirt and light blue tie. As I looked down, I saw he wore black socks and really shiny shoes like he put them in the washing machine with the clothes. Zeus had his arms crossed and he look pissed. "What do you want, Zeus?" "It's at the utmost importance that I talk to you." He replied. "Utmost importance!" I acted serious. Zeus nodded and I shut the door in his face. "Utmost importance. Give me a break." I muttered, unpausing the movie. I heard the sound of thunder and lightning outside. Okay, fine, I know how bad it is being mean to him cause he's the "King of the gods", but I mean, c'mon someone has to be disrespectful to him. Respect is earned. I heard something fall in the kitchen, Clooney, the dog, growled. Picking up the knife from under the couch, I got up. I walked into the kitchen, knife hidden in my shirt. I opened the refrigerator and peeked inside. I could feel the person coming up behind me. As they walked up closer, I whipped around, pushed them up against the counter, and put the knife on their throat. "Who the hell are you!" I exclaimed. The man put a cloth on my face and pushed me up against the refrigerator door. I accidentally breathed in the chloroform, then everything to turned to black. I woke up in a bed on a plane. What the fuck! My parents jet doesn't have a bed. Planes have beds? Wait. Why am I on a plane?  I got up off the bed and explored the plane, I feel like I could live in this place, and I mean that. The plane had a built in house. A house-plane! I entered the kitchen. I felt like someone was following me, so I grabbed a knife and hid it in my shirt. My suspicions were correct when a man grabbed me.
      He spun me around and grabbed my arms, placing them above my head, and pushed me up against the refrigerator. I saw it was Zeus. "What are you doing?! Let go of me!" I shouted. I struggled to get free, but fuck! He just had to be stronger. With one hand he grabbed a handful of hair and kept my head at the refrigerator. Zeus used his body to keep mine pinned to the refrigerator door. He put his hand in my shirt and for some reason a little voice in my mind kept yelling for him to touch me. Fucking hormones. He grabbed the knife and placed it in the drawer.
"What is with you and these knives?" Zeus muttered under his breath. "Let go of me, Zeus!" "Hmmm, no. See, Percy," he put his free hand on my shoulder and started pulling down my shirt strap. "I may have been in your domain, but now, you're in mine." He whispered darkly in my ear. He pulled down the other strap. "Yeah, well, my dad will come get me! And he'll beat your ass!" I shouted. "Oh, please, we're already in my domain, your father has no power here. Try as he might, he can't teleport on this jet to save you." He laughed. Zeus whispered. "You're all mine." My hormones were all over the place. Zeus pulled down my shirt and left it at my waist. I put my hands on his chest, pushing him away. I held back a moan as Zeus lightly kissed my neck. He put his hand on my thigh and motioned it upwards. His hand rubbed my ass hard, then he slapped it. I bit my lip. Hormones, please don't do this to me. Zeus then nipped and sucked at my neck, his other hand let go of my hair and started fondling my breast. His free hand slowly slid into my short shorts and panties. Oh, fuck you hormones! My body arched it's back, so now my body is trying to get dick. I'm fucking twelve hormones stop making me like this! I don't know why, but the feel of Zeus's body up against mine, makes me horny. Not a bad thing, what is bad is our age range. Anyway, Zeus started grinding against me, which sent my hormones into hyperdrive. "You're already wet." He said as he massaged me from down there. I tried holding back my moans, but it was no use. Using his fingers, he rubbed me hard then soft, he did this several times. Zeus took off my shorts, then he put a hand on my cheek. He kissed me, he put his tongue on my lips asking for entrance. I thought what the hell, we're in the air, don't know where we'll land. And even if we do land, I don't have money to get back to Virginia. Zeus used his thumb and circled my clitoris, I moaned into the kiss. He rubbed me up and down with two fingers, I grinded against them. I could never get this type of feel when I did it. "Do you like that?" He asked me huskily. I nodded my head yes.
Zeus's POV
I could sense Poseidon raging in his seas as I pleasured his daughter. She had her legs spread so wide for me. I kissed her neck again and started rubbing Percy faster. I started teasing her. I pumped two fingers inside her and when she was about to climax, I took out my fingers. I did this for about an hour.
"Let me cum." I heard her mutter. "What was that?" "Let me cum." She said a little louder. I grabbed her throat and whispered in her ear, "If you want it so badly, then beg." "Please, Lord Zeus, let me cum. I'll do anything, just please let me cum." "Swear on the River Styx?" I added a third finger, pumping faster. "I swear! I swear!" She moaned loudly, arching her back. Lightning flashed as the deal was made, stupid girl, she doesn't know what she's gotten herself into. I added a fourth finger and pumped her faster than before. She moaned wantonly in my ear as she scratched my back. Percy was close to her climax so I took out my fingers, she whimpered. "You bastard!" I picked Percy up, teleported to the jet's bedroom, and laid her on it, she spread her legs for me like a good girl. I brought her in for a kiss and I took off my pants. I rammed myself into her, Percy screamed. Gods she was so tight, I would've rammed Into her again if I didn't see her tears. Right, Percy's young and this is her first time, she must be in so much pain. I stayed still for Percy until she got used to my size. Percy wiped away her tears and nodded saying. "Y-you can move." I started thrusting slowly inside Percy, she bit her lip. "Faster," she moaned, so I did. Percy gripped the sheets, I leaned down to kiss her. Percy wrapped her arms and legs around me. "Faster," she moaned again when we took a breath. I pulled myself out of her and rammed into her again. "Oh, Zeus!" Percy moaned aloud. I picked up the pace going at an inhuman speed. Her loud, needy moans were like music to my ears. "Do you like that?" I groaned feeling her tight hole clamp on my dick. "Do you like feeling my hard cock stretching out your tight, delicious pussy." I smirked lustily hearing her moan at the top of her lungs. "Yes!!!" Percy fondled one breast and rubbing her clit. I put one of her legs over my shoulder. We both moaned when we came. Percy's eyes were half opened from pleasure. I leaned down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, "How long is this flight?" Percy bit her lip, her eyes full of lust.
   It's a ten hour flight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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