Chapter 29

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Noah's P.O.V

The single gun shot rattled the entire forest down to it's core.

Now the real fight between werewolves and hunters had begun.

It seemed like time had been slowing down the night before. When I found the shoe print in the middle of the woods in my search for Celia, I wanted so badly to find my mate again. Scarlett though had forced me to set up a small camp and wait for morning. I couldn't wait though, I stayed up pacing around and trying to keep control of my wolf who was even more impatient then I was.

But now time was moving quickly after the hunter with the name Asher fired off his gun, almost killing my mate but instead he hit Conner. As soon as I saw Conner fall the first person I went after was Asher, clawing and tearing into him as much as I could for daring to put Celia in danger. My wolf was mostly in control of my actions and he was livid. Asher had managed to get a few swipes in with his silver bladed knife but my wolf ignored the burning sensations and broke Asher's neck quickly, then moving on to the next hunter.

Out of the corner of my eye I heard Celia screaming out for Conner before Scarlett untied her and took her away from the camp so that she would be safe. I continued with my attack on the hunters when one of them managed to knock me on my back, plunging a silver knife into my side. I howled out and tried desperately to get the hunter off of me when suddenly a gun shot went off and the man went limp. I rolled him to the side to get him off of me and Scarlett was the one who was standing there.

"That was almost bad." She said, yanking the knife out of my side to stop the burning and saw the size of the wound it had made, "Are you sure you can keep going?"

"I'm fine! I can handle it. Where's Celia?" My wolf spoke through me as he was in control of my body.

"One of your pack members is taking her back to the pack house, she wouldn't leave by herself so I forced her."

"Thank you, at least she's safe."

"For now. Let's finish this."

The two of us heading into the burning flames of the battle again, picking off the shrinking group of hunters in this filthy camp until the very last one. Finally there was quiet again around us and we could all catch our breaths for the first time in what felt like years. It was done.

"There still a hunter alive!" One of my members called, kneeling next to Conner's body.

I made my way over to him where he laid on the ground, my wolf seething as we got closer because it was him that took Celia away from me. There was a deep red spot on his belly from where the bullet landed in it's target. Beads of sweat littered across his forehead and his chest was barely moving, looking practically dead. I sighed to myself, my wolf was trying to convince me to just leave him but I knew I couldn't. Even if there was a hatred for him deep within me, he did save Celia's life in the end. So I shifted back into my human form and grabbed onto one of his arms to hang it around my shoulders. Daniel quickly shifted back as well and helped me lift up the other side of Conner's body.

"We need to hurry and get him back to the pack house to be treated."

"But Alpha Noah!" One of my pack members still in wolf form jumped out in front of me, "He's responsible for taking the Luna in the first place!"

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