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Silence became a reoccurring melody amongst the two of us as neither wanted to disturb the peace between the invisible wall that separated our sleepy forms. I stared into the dark abyss with my head sinking into the soft material of Tsukishima's dark blue pillow and my lower body tucked nicely in his spare sheets--even sleeping on the floor felt like I was laying on a plump cloud. I fell into a state of bliss with the new and cosy environment beckoning me with welcoming arms; this stress free mindset was hard to find within the four walls of my own room. I cherished this quiet moment, even relaxing to the soft sounds of Tsukishima flipping the pages of his book to my upper right, sometimes rubbing the edges together and creating a harsh yet pleasurable resonate. However, even if my eyes began to fall on my aching sockets and my mind was becoming blank, I didn't want to give into the delightful idea of sleep--it felt remarkably odd to drift away before my nocturnal classmate. If I wait him out, who knows what time he will fall asleep, and, worst case scenario, I won't wake up tomorrow only creating a more irritable situation.

As I was stuck in the endless loop of possibilities, Tsukishima's bed began to creak with the weight of his sudden movement, shifting his body so that he looked down on me with wide eyes, his glasses reflecting the dim light from on top his bedframe.

"Oh, you're still awake." Took back by my wondering gaze, he moved back into his sitting position aware that I was still conscious, "You're just so quiet, I even forgot you were here."

"I don't think I can fall asleep." I retorted.

"Am I being too noisy?" He sarcastically questioned, placing down his book with the right page saved by a piece of unwanted paper.

"No you're fine: it's just me." I folded my arms over my chest and took a deep breath, choosing to ignore his attitude.

Quietly, Tsukishima unfolded his own sheets and positioned himself comfortably, "Well I'm not going to be waking you up in the morning if you don't get enough sleep."

"Sorry, I'm just thinking."

There was a short pause in the air, "About your mom?" The sleepy blond sounded hesitant as his voice grew quiet.

"That and the thought of you drawing on my face while I sleep." I smiled, hearing a slight scoff to my right.

"Every person needs a break from there parents once in the while, it's not illogical."

"Is that talking from experience?" Asking as if I didn't already know that answer from someone as stuck up as him.

"Not particularly. I wouldn't say our moms are the same temper wise, but sometimes she can be too sweet for her own good." Tsukishima stopped ranting as if he knew talking about how kind and caring his mom can be would come off as a bit insensitive, especially if he found that type of pet peeve to be annoying.

"She seems nice." My short comment began an awkward silence once again, causing Tsukishima to lie down and slowly close his eyes--until I thought, "Do you have a dad?"

And with no hesitation he answered, "What do you think?"

"Does he live here?"

"He lives in Tokyo strictly for work, so, if you're asking because you're scared of being caught by him, he's three hundred miles away." By the sound of his tired sigh, he isn't just fed up of his mothers sweetness, but of his dads absence too.

"Ah, I guess that's somewhat of a relief--mine too."

"Too?" Tsukishima seemed relatively surprised, even if he already guessed the obvious of myself having a absent father too.

"Not Tokyo, somewhere in the North. Although that's probably changed over the years."

The sleepy boy to my right mumbled a respective reply, not having the energy to continue such a personal conversation while shuffling quickly in his place, contrasting to me staying still in my warm cocoon. Tsukishima stayed silent.

Yawning, while watching my chest elevate into the air, I aimed to restart the conversation, "I want to thank you again."

Tsukishima met this with retaliation, "Stop talking and go to sleep."

"But you probably think I'm ungrateful."

"I'm thinking about hundred things right now. Going to sleep takes up ninety nine of them and none of them are about you being ungrateful." Tsukishima's words became aggressive the more his eyes began to droop and his body beg for sleep, even if he wasn't following his regular sleeping schedule.

"What about the left over thought?" I grew curious, but this was left with stony silence as Tsukishima wanted nothing more then for the both of us to finally get some well needed sleep.

The soft sounds of the outside world radiated from the walls and into the atmosphere of the bedroom; sprits of rain clashing against the window, the wind guiding its flow, and the extremely faint sounds of nocturnal wildlife. These calming sounds acted as my lullaby as I found myself slowly slipping from consciousness knowing that, right besides me, my class mate was doing the same. I expelled all the negative thoughts out of my mind leaving nothing but the act of kindness and generosity that I have experienced from the one person who allowed myself into their life. Remembering them things, I eventually succumbed to the beckoning call of sleep.

"I was thinking how unfair life can be towards people who don't deserve it, especially when that person is someone like you." Tsukishima said knowing that girl next to him was now unable to hear his out of character sympathy.

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