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It was now the end of school. Yamaguchi and I were instructed by Tsukishima to follow him sharply to the other side of the school grounds, swiftly making our way through the various students cleaning up after themselves and leaving to go home. However, during these extracurricular hours, you can see most people huddled together in their designated classrooms preparing for their clubs: setting up tables, drawing on chalkboards and smiling at each other as they indulged in each others company. The trail to the library passed the art club, cooking club, gaming club and even calligraphy club, peaking my attention through the windows and seeing fresh cakes and pieces of artwork already displayed for the world to see as students watched in awe at their creations. Joining a club was never shunned to the back of my mind, but I just never got around to doing so. Nothing really interested me at the time of starting high school and I wouldn't have the faintest idea of what to join--maybe study club wouldn't hurt now and again.

The library was squished between the teacher's office and another classroom used for the book club making it the ideal environment for a quiet study session whether you're catching up on work, revising for a test or just wanting to sit down and read. It was rather big. A labyrinth of bookcases sectioned the room into study corners acting as dividers between students who want their own privacy, perfect for whatever Tsukishima had in mind for us. Entering the sliding doors, I could see tables were already taken and books were scattered and taken from their appropriate places. Students had already rushed from lessons and mounted themselves on the best tables possible, saving seats for their friends by using their bags as placed holders and chairs as leg rests; this lack of availability didn't seem to bother my classmates as they kept their eyes focused. I looked in wonder, remembering we were meeting Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's mysterious volleyball team mates for a more broader session as I too gazed around to try and find them; they must be tall, guessing by the sport which praises height, and possibly with gym bags hanging from the backs of their chairs. Just an educated guess however and could be basing them off of stereotypes.

Without another thought, Tsukishima stopped and spoke up, my head merely clashing into his back at the sudden movement, "They must be here somewhere."

Yamaguchi took to the left and quickly peered his head into every nook of the library, trying bashfully not to disturb anyone, until finally his face expressed that he had found what he was looking for and gestured us both to follow. Well, at least I tried until my arm was quickly, but gently, grasped to the side in hopes for my attention.

"Just so you know, I don't associate myself with my volleyball club." Tsukishima proudly whispered into my ear, bowing his head to my level without trying to make it obvious. 

I gazed up confused, "Why are you telling me this?"

"You'll see once you meet them." He started to walk away.

"You must like them or else you wouldn't be helping them study." I smiled, following suit until we were side by side.

"I've been forced to help them. Sounds familiar?" Tsukishima's expression stayed cold.

"I thought we were past that!"

In the middle of a bookcase and the windows, there was a four person table reflecting the beautiful light of the low hanging sun which counteracted the resonating bickering between two boys that could be heard from two tables down. Something about the accusation of a stolen pencil which clearly fell on the floor, however the bright-orange haired boy wouldn't take no for an answer. The other boy scowled in annoyance and pleaded angrily that it wasn't him, insulting and calling him names as if they were siblings.

I was taken by their appearances as they challenged my stereotypes, in fact, based on first glance, the accuser looks to be shorter then me. He had a small frame, petite with tiny features, however wide brown eyes which captured everything they gazed upon with excitement and enthusiasm, not forgetting his piercing, bouncy orange hair that stood out like a sore thumb. He seemed to be a ball of energy, struggling to keep his body firmly on his chair as he wriggled about in annoyance at his friend. His uniform looked rushed and creased, his shirt hanging loosely in his trousers and blazer merely dripping onto the floor from his chair. However, non of this occupied him as his focus fell only on winning his  battle for the pencil. I'm starting to piece together why Tsukishima might have a distaste towards them. 

Next to him sat a boy who looked like his polar opposite: straight black hair hanging softly against his forehead, naturally angry-looking blue eyes, tall and well built frame sitting shoulder to shoulder smugly, and most likely eye candy for the girls. His uniform also lacked in presentation as for some reason his already short sleeves were folded upwards in a way like he had just come back from working out and not breaking a sweat. He did seem to match my expectations, however, I also expected them to be attentive and as calm as my classmates, but they seemed to pleasantly surprise me. They seemed to smack me back into the reality of all things chaotic just like a breath of fresh air and it made me feel happy. It's nice to be reminded that we are still just 1st year high schoolers. 

"Will you guys just shut up?" Tsukishima dropped his bag on the floor in aggravation with a scowl, immediately claiming and sitting in the chair nearest to us as Yamaguchi did the same besides him. This earned the attention of the squabbling pair as they suddenly exiled their conversation and turned sharply to look at Tsukishima, then to me, back to Tsukishima, and then back to me, staring as if they had never seen another human being in their lives--I'm guessing they weren't expecting another person to join the study session unannounced. The orange and black haired volleyball members furrowed their brows in utter confusion, looking me up and down in-sync as if they shared one brain cell between them--it didn't help that I stood awkwardly looking for a space to sit. 

"Do you guys realise people can hear you from two tables down?" Yamaguchi made himself comfortable while gently murmuring to the whole table, using his hand to hide his lips. However, the pair didn't seem to care and only squinted their eyes in mine and Tsukishima's direction. It seemed that an introduction was above my two classmates making the whole ordeal even more unbearable.

Suddenly, the smaller boy perked up, eyes lighting up with acknowledgement and realisation which made him jump from his seat. 

"You're the girl who's joining us!" He exclaimed with a high pitched voiced, jumping up and pointing, "I really thought Tsukishima was lying when he said a girl was joining us."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yamaguchi defended his friends honour, acting as if the orange-haired boy meant it as a insult.

"Out of all of us here, Hinata, I think I would be the first one to bring a girl to the table." Tsukishima huffed, casually and effortlessly dragging text books from his bag and placing them on the table, "Hoshiko, there should be a chair for you somewhere..."

As I was about to sheepishly go look for one, I was immediately interrupted while jumping from my skin, "I'm Hinata Shoyo. And you're Hoshiko?"

His persistence to get to know me relaxed the nerves of meeting new people, finally steadying my breathing, "Hoshiko Seiren. I'm from their class. I'm sorry if I'm barging in on your studying. I need it now more then ever."

Tsukishima found a chair from a nearby table and set it down on the corner arguable close to his seat, shoving it along until it was partially in the middle where the two tables made a whole. 

"Did you fail your last exam too?" Hinata asked sitting back in his seat with a thump.

I nervously chuckled, "Yeah, unfortunately."

I followed his actions, choosing to place my feet so they were on the same side as Tsukishima instead of awkwardly either side of the legs of the table in the centre. Of course this table could only fit four people.

"Me and Kageyama didn't technically fail but um..." Hinata positioned his hand as to not let to boy next to him hear, "Kageyama did worse than me."

"Do you wanna shut your mouth?!" The black-haired boy's deep but aggressive voice startled Hinata as he defensively used his arms as a barricade between them both, giving the impression that this sort of behaviour happens a lot. However, the name Kageyama rang a bell: I think he went to my old junior high school. 

"Guys come on, we'll get kicked out the library." Yamaguchi insisted as the voice of reason, copying Tsukishima's actions of getting out all of his materials ready to start the study session.

Hey guys lol :D

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