Chapter 4

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Still Kenesh's Prov

"Excuse me lady's" A voice says cutting me off "My friend here would like to talk to this beautiful young lady over here." The guy with the blond hair and gray eyes says pointing at the overly huge guy in the middle signalling that he wants to talk, and the pointing at me signalling that he wants to talk to me.

"Sooo.....why doesn't he say so himself" I said with an attitude, hoping that if I give off a stink attitude they would leave us alone (it's worked before).

"He's kind of shy at the moment" "He hasn't been out in a while and ummh....ummh... Seeing such beauty has left him Awe struck." The one with the brown hair and pale blue eyes comes up with.

I rose my eyebrow accusingly and counter back saying "that's the best you could come up with, I've heard better in romance movies." They all stood there shocked from what I said, while the big guy frowned then looked proud, then smirked/smiled I don't know what it is, could be a combination of both(I don't know what people outside the Caribbean call it). He then stood straight, straighten out his shirt and said.

"I see that this table is big enough for 5 more and there so happens to be 5 of us, sooo can we join you guys,and maybe order you a few drinks." He says surprising me with how deep, but smooth and charming his voice was. I won't lie, it actually sounds sexy and I have to give him points for that and for his muscular and attractive frame along with his sharp jaw lines and magnificent chin. Shit I'm staring.

He seems to realize that I was checking him out and smirked.

"Yeah! Of course you can join us"says Ishanti while giving me a look telling me not to object. I just rolled my eyes and finished off my beer, then turned to Sannia and begin asking her questions about work and her current boyfriend which might I add I don't like at all.

A chair pulled up beside me and I heard someone sitting down. I looked over and it was the big guy with green eyes. He lifted his hand and called over the waitress. "What can I get you guys." she said while pulling down her top and pulling up her already short shirt. Everyone at the table rolled her eyes while I laughed loudly at her attempt of trying to look sexy.

"I'd like your strongest drink in a bear glass, Ramon would like a beer, Corry and Ralph wants two bud light each, Jewel wants vodka on ice and the ladies would like......... " he paused looking at us expectantly.

"Two Martinez," Danni says "Same for me" says Sabrina and Ishanti. I didn't answer, so everyone turned to look at me with raised eyebrow's. "Your paying right" I asked the big guy "Yeah" he says with a smile. I gave a shrug and began ordering
"OK, Can I have some Jamaican lion mixed with some vodka you have sprite?" "Yes we do"she answers with attitude
"Add a little of that too, and put everything in a beer glass like this guy's drink(I said pointing the big guy) and keep them coming I say stop. " " Oh! And just 3 ice cubs please? " I finished, smiling at all the shocked faces at the table and that of the waitress. Sannia hits me in the side "Kenesha.. " "What?" " What?What kind of order was that" asked Sabrina "Yeah, That was too much and must cost alot"Says Ishanti

"Well, I didn't ask him to buy me anything, OK, he offered so that means I can order whatever I want. I'm teaching him a lesson." I said "What lesson?" Asked Sannia "The lesson to not offer every woman a drink" I finished

The girls had shocked but amused faces, while the guys however were trying but failing to hid their laughter. The waitress left out table to go get out orders and the conversation began(with me of course).

"Hey" I said tapping the big guy on his shoulder to get his attention "What's your name and what do you want?" "Kenesh's!" all the girls shouted. "What? He has a name doesn't he, and he must want something,or else he wouldn't be over here?" I said stating the truth

"Plus they came and sat with us, not the other way around. " "What does that have to do with anything?" said Sanni "If we were the ones that sat with them, then they would of asked us the same questions, if not even more. The only thing they would of done different is asking much more politely" I said defending myself. The guys laughed and shock their heads.

"Oh, sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Leonard." said the big guy "And this is Ramon, Jewel,Ralph and Corry, we don't want anything, we just want to relax have some fun and maybe get to know you guys. " he said ending with a innocent shrug and face.

So base off of what Leonard just said, the one that looked to be around 6'4 and has blond hair and gray eyes is Ramon, The one that has brown hair and pale blue eyes is Corry and he also looks 6'4. Jewel has black hair and bright ocean blue eyes and Ralph has blond hair and Hazel eyes.

"Well my name is Sannia(she has black hair,light brown skin and dark drown eyes), and this is Sabrina(also has black hair, light brown skin and light brown eyes), Ishanti(black dread locks,dar black skin and dark brown eyes) and the one with the bad attitude is Kenesh's(I have black hair, dark black skin 'proud' and very dark brown eyes, that only with light you can see the brown in them).

"Well it's really nice to meet you ladies" said Ramon "likewise" said Sabrina.

"Where are you girls from. I'm guessing by your accents your not originally from America." Asked Corry "We're from the Caribbean, Jamaica to be specific." I said

"oh OK"

After our drinks arrived we drank, laughed, danced and enjoyed ourselves for the rest of the night. We stayed for 4 more hour then we left. The boys stayed behind 'thank god'. We went home, sat around until we began going to our rooms one by one.

Thanks for the support guys. Continue to read and enjoy this book. Remember to comment on the improvements I need. I love when people are honest.

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang