Chapter 8

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Kenesh's prov

The Next Day

It's 9:30 in the morning and I'm currently on my way to work. I had packed my bags yesterday at around 7:00pm after getting some well needed rest.

I had woken up around 5am to loud heavy knocks on the front door down stairs. After rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I pressed a red botton under my left pillow, to wake and tell the girls not to answer the door. The botton also tells them that I am going to check it out and only one of them can come with me.

They're already used to this by now due to the 6 previous times it had happened.

I personally, developed alot of signals, which each applies to a specific circumstances to keep us safe. I even forced educate the girls on the different signals and the circumstances they are for. It annoyed the shit out of them, but it had saved their lives more than 3 times already, so, they should be thanking me.

Getting out of my bed, I reached under it for my waist strapon knife holder and strapped it on. I then tiptoed over to my closet where my secret compartment was and received my shot gun. I was about to leave the room when I remembered something, tip toeing back over to my bed, I reached under my pillow for my silver hand gun and opened my drawer for my gold painted hand gun. Putting the gold one in a gun strap around my waist and the silver one in a mini gun strap around my left ankle.

I could hear the banging on the frontdoor more clearly, now that I have opened my room door. Stepping out into the dark hallway I could barely see anything. The only light that was in the hallway was the moonlight that was coming through the window at the end of the hall. Turning around and seeing a face close to mine, I jerked back while pointing my shot gun at the person.

"What the fuck? Kenesha, put the gun down before you accidentally shoot one of us. " said a voice that seems to belong to the persons face I just saw. Listening carefully, I realize that the voice belongs to Sabrina.

"Sabrina, What are you doing scaring me like that? I almost shot your ass." I whispered yell at her

"Kenesha, why do you have a shot gun?" she asked, I replied with "Don't you hear the answer to your question knocking on the door down stairs."

Now that my eyes have adjusted to the barely light hallway, I can see Sabrina and the others with their backs against the wall. Giving Sabrina the silver hand gun I said "Ishanti and Sannia, go lie under the bed in my room, Sabrina you come with me."

When the girls were safely in my room and under my bed, I started leading Sabrina down stairs. Once we're at the door, I shifted the curtains and peeked out side. I could see 6 large bulky men standing outside dressed in all black. Only one thing came to my mind when I saw that and I tuned to Sabrina to say it "We're going to need more ammo."

"What?" she said
"Those guys are really big. We're going to need more ammunition."
she just shook her head and shouted "Who's at the door?"

The knocking stopped then a voice said " We're here for Miss. Thomason, Mr. Combárdo sent us to help her load and carry her things.

Upon hearing this I said "How do we know your not lieing." "you can use my phone to call him and check it out for yourself ma'am." One of the men suggested

"OK then, put the phone through the mail slot." I said. After a moment of shuffling, the mail slot opened and a phone can be seen being pushed through. I signaled to Sabrina to take the phone and she did. Opening the phone I said "What is he saved as in your phone?" "Alpha" came a hesitant voice. Giving Sabrina a confused look, she said "Why is he saved as Alpha in your phone?" "Umm, that's what he asked us to call him. " One of the guys chipped in saying, sounding nervous and unsure of his answer.

While on the phone with Mr. Combárdo, I found out that the men were telling the truth. After cusing him out about not calling and telling me first, I hanged up, opened the door and through the phone at one of the men.

Sighing loudly I turned to look at the men with a pissed off look. They just avoided eye contact by bowing their heads. After 5 minutes of just glaring at the men, I decided not to be angry with them since they were just doing what their boss told them.

"Did you guys have breakfast this morning?" I asked "No ma'am" they all said together "OK, I'm going to make some breakfast, would you guys like some?"

There was a chorus of "yes please"

Turning to Sabrina I asked "are you going to give me back my gun or are you going to keep it since the men are still here?" She didn't say anything, just handed me the gun. Turning around I walked over to the staircase and shouted "Ishanti, Sannia, you guys can come down now. "

"Wait, you thought we were going to hurt you?" One of the men sadly asked

"Of course, you were knocking on our door at 5 in the morning, what were we supposed to think." I said and as soon as I did all their faces changed from curious to sad and hurt. With a sad look in their eyes, one of them said "We would never hurt you or anyone you care about Luna."

Not wanting to saying anything to that I just asked them what were their names. They all then started introducing themselves by standing and saying their names. While Steven was about to tell us his name, he stopped and sniffed the air, turning his eyes to the stairs behind me a shocked look took over his face.

Turning around I saw Ishanti and Sannia desending down the Stairs and stopping at the bottom. Ishanti then walked over to Sabrina while Sannia just stood there looking at Steven.

Feeling a body brush pass me, I looked up to see Steven walking towards Sannia with a dazed look on his face. Reacting on the instict to protect my friend I ran over to stand between Sannia and Steven. "Easy boy, what is it?" A dangerous animal like growl left his mouth instead of an answer. Putting my hand on my hips I said "Who the fuck do you think you are growling at? Boy you better back.the. fuck. up.ok, before you get yourself shot." Steven immediately started whimpering and falls on the floor bowing his head saying "Sorry Luna, sorry Luna and forgive me Luna for I have passed my place."

"Steven get up from off the floor. What are you doing?" I asked

He said "I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to disrespect you in your own house," then he looked at Sannia and said "even if it's for a good reason."

"it's OK Steven, I'm going to make breakfast now, would anybody like to come help?" I asked and 3 bulky men stood up and said "yes"

OK then, follow me to the kitchen. And don't try anything funny, I have cameras and as you can see, guns."

Jermain, Adam and Josh followed me into the kitchen where we made breakfast while laughing and messing around. When breakfast was finished, everyone ate then sat around and talked for 15 minutes, before we started carrying my things to the cars and truck.

Once we got to the house, Leonard lead me inside while the boys moved my things in and up to my room. After talking with Mr. Combárdo for a while, with him telling me his kids will be home from their uncle in a week and 3 days. So that means I have 1 week to get comfortable, I can do with that.

OK guys, sorry for the late update, It won't happen again. Hope you are enjoying the book so far and remember to leave a vote and a comment down below

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