Chapter 30 (It's Time)

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The day before the fight

It's the day before the fight and everyone is nervous and acting all awkwardly around or towards me. Except Leonard, he says he knows I'm gonna win but, he's still worried about the many injures I'm gonna sustain.

The kids, Gus and the rest of Leonard's family are also confident that I'll win, except Jason, leo's dad. The son of a bitch looked me dead in the eye the other day and said in front of everyone " I hope you die out there and if you somehow manage to get past those 17 werefemales, I'll make sure you never beat Lady Marrenette."

Some people had their mouths wide open while other only had dissapointment on their faces. I was one of the latter and in a disgusted voice said "Yuh sick mi stomach and every time mi see yuh face mi wah vomit." (<Patio)

Translation "You make my stomach sick and evertime I see your face I wanna puke." Leonard had to translate because nobody else understood except the kids and I, refused to translate it.

Jason was shocked and seemed a little hurt after my words.... I didn't give a fuck and turned away from him to cintinue watching my show.

It was now 7pm and I was watching my last movie for the night because Leonard said "You have to go to bed at 8 because you'll need the right amount of sleep for your matches tomorrow. You wouldn't want to fall asleep during your match now would you?"

I gave him a look and said "Leo, no one falls asleep during a fight. That is unless they are put in a sleeper hold or knocked out."

"Plus you don't know for sure if I'm gonna win tomorrow. What if I lose and today is my last day here or alive? Just let me watch a little more TV please?"

He gave me a hard look with hurt in his eyes then said "You better be in bed by 8:15 or I swear to the moon goddess herself that'll make sure you walk into that arena tomorrow limping."

"That doesn't sound like a threat at all." I said seductively "8:15!" he shouts with red cheeks and stomps back into the kitchen.

"What a big baby." mumbled Gus
"Heard that dad!" he shouts from the kitchen
"Don't care son!" Gus shouts back but soon regrets it when a wooden spoon hits him in the back of the head.

"Ouch, what the-? Why?"
"Because you deserve it!" Leo shouts back in a voice that makes it sound like he was pouting.

Everyone in the room was laughing at the now pouting father and his sons antics.

The rest of the night went smoothly until it was time for me to go to bed. To ensure I went to bed on time, Leo lift me off the bean bag I was on and threw me over his shoulder, then begins to walk up the stairs to our floor at exactly 7:56. We made it to our bedroom at exactly 8:00.

He made me do my nightly routines before literally, tucking the both of us into bed.

I couldn't fall asleep and at 11:50 I tried to get out of bed but was caught immediatly and was tucked right back into bed. 40 minutes later, I turn on my side and tried to remove Leo's arm from around my waist but a voice stopped me "Don't even think about it. Go back to sleep Kenesha."

"But Leooo. I can't fall asleep. It been what, 3 hours now and nothing has happened." I winned kicking my feet about in bed

"Ugh, just try again." he says in a sexy husky voice " I've been trying! Just let me watch some Tv, I'm just not tired enough Leo." I urged

He stays still for another 2 minutes before huffing out a puff of air and getting up to kneel in the bed. He takes off his shirt and pulls my pajama bottom and my underwear off, before spreading my legs and heading down.

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