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The morning after their Nikaah, a blushing Zartaaj had come down, closely followed by a poker faced Jahaangir. As loving as he was with her the night before, he was the total opposite of his charming self in front of others. That particular side to his personality was reserved only for his family and right now, all he could see were unfamiliar faces.

You don't let your guard down in front of strangers. That's a big no no.

Alizey and all the females in the house had teased her mercilessly and they only stopped when Aisha Begum had intervened. Zartaaj had breathed a sigh of relief when all the relatives left the day after their Walima because she wanted her husband back.

She had sensed his changed behavior in front of the others. She noted his reserved self when interacting with unknown people much like the time when he had come home before their wedding.

Zartaaj laughed lightly remembering the conversation her brothers had with him and the only answers they received were monosyllabic grunts. She hissed on feeling a sting on her waist.

Her Mijaazi Khuda had pinched her exposed waist while they sat gazing out at their estate from the balcony.

" Kaha khoyi hui ho?" Jahaangir caressed the area where he had pinched which was now turning a bit red and he immediately felt apologetic about it.

Zartaaj giggled in response, turning around in his arms and straddling his waist. She was almost sitting in his lap already because her husband wouldn't let her be away from him for even a second!

" You remember the first time you met my Brothers?" She giggled at the memory because her brother's horrified faces are still ingrained in her mind.

" Shaaf Bhai ne toh pehle hi aapke rishtey see inqaar kar diya tha" her face split into a magnanimous smile seeing his irritated expression at being unable to marry her, even if it's in the past tense.

" He's an ass ..." Jahaangir was cut off by a slap on his bicep from his wife.

" Bade Bhai hain mere" she told him playfully earning her a light kiss on her lips.

" Woh toh Baasit Bhai ne unhe samhjaaya. Warna aap aaj yaha akele hi baithkar nazaare dekh rahe hote" she beamed proudly at her brother.

" Remind me to order him that car that he had been so shamelessly hinting at during the entire engagement party" Jahaangir was scowling but he was immensely fond of the cheerful Gashkori boy.

Zartaaj was the only sister of three older Brothers. At 27, Shaaf Muiz Gashkori was more like a father to her than her eldest brother. Mahad Qays her saviour and confidante was the second born of their family and was leading their business efficiently at the young age of 25. Her partner in crime would however be the brat of their clan, Baasit Uzair. They had an age gap of only two years between them, reason why they were two peas in a pod, the two musketeers or whatever you may want to call it.

" Oh you..." Zartaaj was cut short by the ringing of his cellphone and her husband gave her an adorable smile as he excused himself to speak with his PA, Nu'maan.

Zartaaj took that time to admire her husband. He was a handsome man alright. She loved how wide his shoulders spanned and the way they narrowed down into a thin waist. She loved the little flex of muscles on his sinewy arms every time he brushed away that stray strand of hair from his forehead. The arms that hold her close to his chest when she's coming down from their euphoric high and the long hair that she grips when she feels he couldn't be close enough to her. She loved his icy blue eyes that always adored her when they're behind the closed doors of their sanctuary; where he is just her husband and not the formidable Nawaab Dehwaar.

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