"For Now"

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                         •Chapter 2

Still Y/n's POV:

After what seemed an eternity of time at the cafe I began to feel dizzy. I decided that maybe it was time for me to head home, I have had an exhausting long day at school and the cafe. And yet Mr Kim and Jin were still talking. There conversation must be very interesting to have it last more than 2 hours.

I head over to Jin and Mr. Kim.

Y/n~ Sorry to interrupt, but can I please head home Jin?

Jin~ Are you not feeling well? I could take you to the doctor if you would like.

Y/n~ No no I'm fine thank you tho-

Before I could end my sentence I feel my eyes close and my body give up. I could hear two fainted voices talking.

Jin~ Please stay here Namjoon I'll go get her some water try to give her some air using your hand or something as a fan

Namjoon~ Okay hurry up now

After what I'm guessing that were a good 15 minutes I could finally manage to open my eyes. I find myself in the backseat of a dark interior car. I can't recall ever being in this car before. I try to sit straight while I rub my hand in my head which was hurting terribly. I scan around and my eyes finally meet someone.

Y/n~ Jin?

Jin~Finally you wake up you had us all worried Y/n. YAHH why couldn't you tell me earlier you weren't feeling well?

Y/n~ I'm sorry, but what happened? Where are we going?

Jin~ We are heading to my apartment and you fainted. How are you feeling now?

Y/n~ My head kinda hurts, but why are we heading to your apartment can't you take me home?

Jin~ No, your brother informed me your parents weren't going to be home and he wasn't either and since you didn't seem to be feeling well we both agree for you to stay with me for now.

Y/n~ For now? How long is for now?

Jin~ I don't know maybe 1 or 2 days.

Y/n~ Why so long?

Jin~ Don't you get tired of asking questions? Huh? I actually must have a very important word with you but once we arrive.

Y/n~ Ahh okay.

I wonder whats that thing he wants to talk about. Could it be what he and Mr. Kim where talking about? Or maybe even worst he wants to fire me. Negative thoughts took over my head. After 10 minutes we arrived at a fancy apartment complex. I mean what could you expect Jin was well known meaning rich.(picture of apartment complex shown in the beginning)

We enter the underground parking space where he parked his Mercedes. He headed out first and came to my side to open the door for me to help me stand up and arrive to his apartment safely.

Once he opens the door my mouth drops. He's apartment was beautiful.

Jin~ Go sit in the couch and try to watch something.

The view of the city from his large window located int the living room was more than enough for me to look at. I glanced over to see what Jin was doing it seem as if he was making some tea.

Y/n~ What was it you wanted to talk to me about?

Jin~Take a seat

I headed over to his white sofa to take a seat. I must say I was shaking a little nervous of what he could possibly want to tell me.

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