Chapter 3

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After Lindsey helped me get a bath, we went back downstairs. I felt so refreshed in the new clothes she bought me. They were super comfy. It was the first time I can remember getting new things. It felt so good, but so wrong at the same time. I wasn't used to it. "All better princess?" "Yes Mr. Paul, thank you." "You don't have to call me Mr. Paul princess. You can call me just Paul or even Daddy if you feel comfortable." "But how can i tell you and Mr. Sam apart if I call you daddy?" "Well, you can call Sam papa if you want. Then we know who is who and who." "that sounds good daddy." We sat down to lunch and it was so good! Being in foster care, I didn't eat much. If I ate too much, my foster mom would yell at me. I was trying not to eat too much, but Mr. Sam kept sneaking me more french fries. They were so good.

After lunch, Miss Sam left to go help another family. Lindsey, Paul, Sam and I went into the living room and sat down. I really felt like I could live in this house, with these people, for a very long long time. "Hey Abby, would you like to snuggle and watch a movie or something?" Miss Lindsey aske me. "Sure, I guess. I haven't snuggled anyone in a long time. I'm not sure if I remember how." "Oh baby, come over here!" I walked over to where lindsey was sitting on the couch with Sam and she did what i thought i would never ever get again. She reached out and hugged me. For the first time in 5 years or more, I felt loved. I started to cry! I cried and cried and cried some more. Eventually, Paul came over and hugged me too. Lindsey just rocked me, like any good mama would. She held me and loved me. Then it hit me. I did it again! The third time today. I wet myself all over Lindsey and she still just held me. Even when I did the unthinkable.

"Mama, I had an accident again. I didn't mean it. I didn't feel like I needed to go." "Baby, Shhhhhhhhhhh, it's ok. It happens. I do think we may need to put you in a pull-up though just so you feel better." "But mama, pull-ups are for babies. I don't need that." "Hunny, I think you do. You have wet yourself twice since being here. It's ok to need them. We just don't want you to be uncomfortable." "Ok mama, I will wear it. I don't like the feeling of being all wet." "Good girl. Now why don't we all go up and get our girl cleaned up. We have to go shopping!"

My mama, daddy, papa and I went back upstairs and got me cleaned up. I have never had this much attention in my life! It is so weird. But a good weird. We all headed back down stairs to get our shoes on and leave. "Hey pumpkin daddy has a very important question for you." "Yes daddy? What is it?" "Who do you want to sit next to you in the car?" "Ummmmmmm I don't know. How about you papa. Will you sit next to me?" "Of course baby. Whatever my girl wants." "Then papa it is princess."

We loaded up in daddy's SUV and headed for the store. When we got there, papa put me in front of the cart,where all the little kids go, and he pushed me. I haven't been to a store like this since I was little so I was looking around at all the cool things. They have everything from food to clothes to candy! Anything you could think of. We walked over to the baby area and my eyes lit up! All of this baby stuff was so cool! They had diapers, pacifiers, bottles and pretty much anything you could think of for a baby! Mama kinda noticed my eyes go straight for the pacifiers. She could tell that I wanted one, but knew I would never ask. "Hey pumpkin, I see you looking at the binkis, would you like mama to get you one? Its ok if you want it." My eyes got even bigger. "Really mommy? I can have one?" "Of course pumpkin. If you want to be treated like a baby, we are perfectly ok with that! We would love to have a baby around." Deep down I knew I wanted to, but I was scared. "I don't know mommy, what would Miss Sam think if she came and checked on me and I was a baby again?" "Well pumpkin, wanna know a secret? Miss Sam is mommy's best friend. And she had a feeling this would happen when you came to live with us. She is the one who told mommy to let it happen. So she won't mind at all. She said as long as we love you as much as she thinks we will, then that's what we should do. Make you have the best life ever." "Really mommy? So so so I can be a baby if i want?" "Yes baby girl, as soon as we get home, you are officially 18 months old again. Full baby treatment starts as soon as we get home ok?" "Mommy that sounds amazing. I can't wait."

We start walking around the baby section looking at all the cool things. Mommy got a whole bunch of stuff. Diapers, bottles, binkis, new toys, wipies, butt cream and a whole bunch of other stuff. She even got this one thing. I don't know what it does. But mama said it's a surprise. We went over to the area of the store and papa helped me pick out a tooth brush and princess toothpaste. They also bought me my very own car seat, to keep me safe in the car. I know this sounds weird, but I can't wait to get home. Home, something I haven't looked forward to going to in a very long time.

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