Chapter 12

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We all fell asleep snuggled up really close to each other. It was mama, then me, then papa, then daddy. It wasn't the best, but it worked for sure. We were all close enough to touch. I was able to suckle on mama while I slept until the nurse came in at about 7 for shift change. Miss Jessica came in with this other lady, I was just laying in the bed enjoying being close to my big people when I heard this nurse start talking. "So we have 3 patients in one room? In one big bed?" "Yes that is correct. This is the Richmond family. They were in a bad car accident yesterday. Paul is the male on this end. He has a broken femur and will be going into the OR at 11. Next to him is Samuel, he goes by Sam, he has some paralysis of his legs, but has been getting feeling back in them so he is just being monitored and getting fluids. Next to Sam is Abby. She is 8, but has the mentality of an 18 month old. She still nurses frequently off her mom Lindsey. Abby has a broken femur in her right leg as well as a broken tibia and fibula in her left leg. She has surgery at 10 to fix that and get her casted. She is also in diapers and has a bad case of diaper rash due to not being able to be changed for a while yesterday."

"Good morning guys, it's shift change. Everyone, this is Becky, she will be your nurse today. I will be back on shift tonight." "Thank you Miss Jessica for helping bring my family back together. I needed my papa and daddy." "Awe sweet Abby, you're most welcome. I will be back tonight to help you. You be good for your big people and make sure they stay out of trouble ok?" "Yes ma'am. Me will."

"Good morning everyone, I'm Becky and I'll be your nurse today. Sense there are 3 of you in one room, I am only assigned to you today. So if you need anything, please feel free to ask. I need to take vitals for everyone first this morning. Then does Abby need changing?" I looked at mama and nodded my head. "Yes ma'am we had a long night and she hasn't been changed yet this morning." "ok then after vitals I will do that. I do need her to stop nursing though because she has surgery in just a little while. Abby sweetie, can you stop having milk until after your surgery?" I shook my head yes and snuggled up to mama, who put a paci in my mouth instead.

Miss Becky took daddy's vitals, then papa's then mine. Mama had moved out of the bed to make it easier for her. I snuggled in closer to papa. I needed to hear his heart. I missed him. He just held me and kissed the top of my head. When Miss Becky was done with vitals, she changed my diaper. She put this special powder on my butt that is supposed to help it feel better.

"Ok now has anyone ordered breakfast?" "We won't eat until Abby goes into surgery." "Oh yeah that's right. Im sorry need more coffee." The big people started laughing. I didn't get it. I just layed there. "Dada, me want you AND papa. You come snuggle me?" "Sure princess. I'll come over there." So Miss becky helped daddy up and onto some crutches so he could come on the other side of the bed. He got in and laid up on his side so he could hold me. Him and papa just looked at each other in love and looked at me too. "Sam, I think this is the best thing that ever happened to us. Abby not the car accident." "Babe, I couldn't agree more. I don't know how we can thank Sammie enough for thinking of us. Especially with this perfect little girl. I just laid there thinking the same thing! I don't know how to thank Auntie Sam for helping me have the best parents ever.

Sorry about the shorter chapter! But here is an update! :D Enjoy!

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