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Benji POV

"What is up? It's ya boy, Benji, here at the new crib and ready to show you around!" I held my phone a bit higher so the angle would show my boot and crutches a little more and tried again.  The vlog was a new idea for my friends back home so I wanted to give my intro new energy from the front yard of our new house.  

This morning at the hospital was wild.  I was up early to see a new doctor for my ankle where they got me started on physical therapy.  It wasn't that bad for me, but Lissy had to see someone at the same time and I knew she had a really hard time with the stuff they made her do.  Jesse dropped us off a little bit ago after we were discharged from the hospital but he didn't have a long break and had to head back.

Lissy was talking to the landlord.  She seemed like a really nice older lady even though she asked a lot of really personal questions.  I thought she seemed really nice but Lissy doesn't like when people get too familiar.  It was a really nice day so the garage was open with our suitcases set inside while Lissy and the landlord reviewed the lease in the driveway and I tried to "keep myself out of trouble".

If I wasn't stuck in this dumb boot I would have already been all over this town on my bike.  Probably a good thing I'm slower for awhile so I can get to know the area before I go and get lost.  Lissy knows I'm bad with directions but has trained me to be really good about keeping my phone charged.  Even if I end up stranded she's always been able to come find me using our GPS tracking from our phones.

Remington and Greg pulled up and I waved, putting my phone back in my pocket.  The vlog can wait until later.  I know Dana, Greg's nurse, is around.  She seemed nice when I met her the other day but she was really flirty with Remi which creeped me out.  Alice was pretty oblivious and I know Remington isn't interested but it's just gross to see a girl all over the guy my sister likes.  Doesn't she know he's spoken for?  Come on, bitch.  Step off.

"Did you eat yet?" Greg hollered while Dana put his wheelchair together. She had a rude look on her face when she dug into the trunk for the parts while he sat in the passenger seat. Remington slowly got out of the backseat, stretching while he stood tall.  I saw him move around like he needed a walker and laughed a little at how pathetic he looked.

"Yeah, Jess grabbed us McDonalds but Liss didn't eat yet," I nodded toward my sister, knowing that by tattling on her I would be giving Remi a chance to help me encourage her to take a break.  "She has a salad we need to make her sit and eat soon."

Remington gave me a look and walked toward Alice and the landlord.  He had a backpack and shook his head, whispering something about, "This girl is gonna be the death of me," as he went past me.  Greg and I broke into laughter while his nurse whined about needing help with the wheelchair.

"Oh, I can do that!" I offered, but she scoffed and shook her head before going back to work.  She probably wanted help from Remi but clearly he had someone else he wanted to spend some time with.

I heard Alice laugh as Remington approached her and the landlord then noticed them go closer to the front door. "Oh shit, it's time! He did it!  Now we can go inside!"

Greg laughed, "Go ahead! I'll catch up, buddy!"

I made my way toward the house while Lissy called after me, "Beep! Come on!"  My crutches moved quickly but as soon as I was in the kitchen door I froze.

It's perfect.

The kitchen was pretty large and had lots of room, including a big island with stools and extra counter space.  The whole house is open and just had two bedrooms, one with an attached bathroom for Lissy and then a separate full bathroom that I'll get as my own.  We walked around with the landlord and Remington just looking through each room before I looked at my sister and grinned. 

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