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Chapter 60

Benji POV

Peach was getting antsy inside and I needed air after Lissy read her letter. Hearing my birth father talk about my sister walking down the aisle broke something inside my heart that I had not realized was there.  I stood up and stretched trying to stay composed as I pat my leg and whispered, "Peachy girl, wanna go play?"

She jumped off her perch on Daisy's lap and followed me outside but I had a feeling I would be joined by someone else.

Just take a couple deep breaths... Lissy taught you... hold for seven... 

Would Remington come to talk to me, or would Lissy follow along this time?

Why would he give us a whole farmhouse and land?

What does this even mean?

My head was getting fuzzy and I realized my leg really hurt, too, so I sat at the table to take off my boot. Peach brought me a tennis ball which I threw without paying attention before unbuckling the plastic clasps keeping my leg in place.  Even easy things like moving around were difficult thanks to this stupid boot and cast.

I hated that we got into a wreck but at least being hurt meant I got more time with Dad.  If I didn't have to stay on the couch so much then Daisy and I would have been out riding bikes and at the pool this whole time.  I would never have spent so much time stuck at home if I was not forced to.

Even though I struggled with processing everything, my therapist was helping me remember that my physical healing can be a good way to remember emotional healing takes time.

I need to be patient.

Lissy reminds me but feeling my ankle get stronger and knowing I can maybe get my cast off soon helps me know it's true.  Time won't fix everything since there will always be scars, but at least I can feel that things are improving.

Now that my sister read her letter, everything will change more, though...

"Beep, Beep."

I giggled at my sister's voice before she plopped into the chair next to me and sighed.  Her hands rubbed her face and I could tell just by her posture that Liss was in over her head.  "Wow. A fucking house."

Now I laughed harder, surprised that she would swear in front of me. She never does that. This must have really surprised her, even though it feels like she had a spidey sense about that property.

I don't know how to tell her I did, too.

Just like when we met Remington, as soon as we got to Baker's pond, I felt a connection.

Now it all makes sense. Somehow Greg is pulling us toward a new goal.

I've always had a hard time with change.  Maybe that's kind of tied in with how I have a hard time learning in general, but since life has taken so much away I've learned to hold tight to the familiar.  I still have my blanket and old stuffed animals from when I was a baby.  That made this move to the mountains really hard, but I was excited for an adventure and knew I could trust my sister.

Now we have a new adventure... like adventure-ception!

Alice continued, nudging me with her elbow, "So, we don't have to accept. I just... something about the house..."

"It's ours. I felt it, too." I smiled over at her and noticed the way my sister's shoulders relaxed and smile brightened at my words. I love when my words help her feel better. I know I'm just a kid but it feels great to help her through everything.  Even teens can help their siblings and parents sometimes.  We may not know everything but we know some things and can pinch-hit once in a while.

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