Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

(August 31, 2011)

4:40 PM

Lucca's Point of View

Matthew's bright blue eyes just sparkle as his new toy that is a soft cuddly octopus starts playing music and flashing a variety of bright colors on it's little bow tie. He laughs as he plays with the octopus, Matthew's laughter was the true music to my ears. Some days after I come home from work there is a box full of diapers, food, and maybe a new toy or other miscellaneous items. At least I see what the baby rent gets spent on and I'm thankful.

After a month, I've now saved about 230 dollars. It makes me excited that I can finally have money and an opportunity to move out. However, that naive excitement goes away when I get the chance to grab a local newspaper and start apartment hunting, only to realize that I'll probably have to move out of state to be able to afford living. So far all the apartments I've seen are around $1500 and at this point it seems impossible. I've thought about getting a new job, but I don't have my documents in order to get one... I guess the other option would be to find a roommate or even... a boyfriend to move out with... I honestly don't see either being likely since I don't think I can trust a stranger being around my son. Maybe I'm paranoid, but at least I'm cautious.

Matthew whines when the toy stops playing music and his whine pops my thought bubble. I chuckle and squish one of the octopus' tentacles to get the toy to keep playing music. He giggles and smiles watching the toy play it's pretty music.

While Matthew's busy with his toy, I heard the front door slam shut. The house is quiet except for Matthew playing of course....

Oh that's right! I think I remember my cousin, Sunny, briefly mentioning to me that they were going out as a family tonight to meet with agencies or whatever. It sounded super important, but didn't affect me in any way or matter to me.

I look at the time and notice it's close to Matthew's naptime. The toy stops playing music and my baby starts to whine, looking at me to be Mr. Fix it. I smile faintly and gently pick Matthew up, cradling him in my arms.

"Aw I'm sorry, honey. It's time for your nap!" I say softly and slowly stand up. Matthew sniffles and continues to whine as I start shushing him gently while lightly bouncing him. He briefly looks up and pouts, it made me chuckle because of how cute he looked.

Eventually as I continue to rock Matthew, I see my work paying off with his sleepy eyes and big yawns. Hopefully he stays asleep for at least a couple hours. He's been getting pretty good about sleeping all night, but there's still some nights where it's just hard to stay asleep. Even though it's my day off and I would love nothing more than to play with him, I want to do what's best.

While cradling him with one arm, I turn on the TV and change it to the local classical music channel. I got lucky and it was playing the soft orchestral version of 'Baby Mine' from Dumbo which was perfect timing. I guess their theme for today was Disney covers or maybe it was a request? Who knows, but it was definitely working on Matthew as I look down and notice he's completely relaxed.

I gently toss the remote onto the bed and then walk over to Matthew's crib. Carefully, I set him down and he curls up, cuddling against a pillow. I try to suppress an 'aw', while getting his blanket and covering him. He snuggles deeper into his blanket and pillow, he's probably enjoying the music carrying him away into dreamland.

I watch him for a few moments, just admiring what I created. I couldn't help it. It was just so amazing to me.

I sigh softly and stretch, walking away from the crib and over the window. Looking out at their garden and pool. Growing up I remembered how many parties they used to throw and how packed they would be. This year there hasn't been any guests or parties since Matthew and I have been here. I guess I'd be embarrassed too if the 17 year old I was responsible for ended up with a baby.

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