Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

(Dec. 31, 2010)

18 Weeks

I groan as I feel the rays of the sun touching my face. Squinting, I look at my clock and see the time, 9:36AM. I sigh and weigh the options on my mind: I could get up and start my day or... treat myself for my birthday by sleeping in.

Oh yeah- It's my birthday... Last year my old friends and Jason actually did a little celebration with cupcakes and singing for me... It was my first birthday party since I was like 5. I didn't even tell them, it was Jason who found out and let the few other friends know about it casually. One of the girls of our friend group, Ella, came up with the idea for the surprise party. It was really nice of her, and I miss the memories of hanging out with them... After my pregnancy came out, the whole group disbanded, but Jason is dating Ella now, so at least they still have each other.

I yawn and sit up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Christmas was nice, it was quiet. I decided to treat myself and ride the bus down to the beach. At first I just walked around the trail, but for whatever reason, I got so lucky and I noticed the wind blow a twenty dollar bill towards me. Maybe it was a Christmas gift from mom and dad. After walking around for a couple hours, I decided it was time to go home and eat my ration of ramen noodles I had stored in my room since the lunchroom had closed on Thursday the 23rd. The bad thing about staying behind over the holidays was you had to fend for yourself in terms of food. No lunchroom staff worked on the 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th which is nice for them because they too deserve time to be with their families.

That day I felt the baby move around a little which took me by surprise. I was just reading a book with the Christmas movie marathon playing in the background, then suddenly I felt a small fluttering feeling. I froze for a moment, wanting to see if it'd happen again or if I had just imagined it. When it happened again, I could feel a huge smile forming. It was like another little Christmas gift. I was grateful that everything was going ok. It was nice to be reminded that I wasn't really ever alone.

"Well, I guess it would be a good idea to get up and go do something... It is kinda boring here without Tony and Nathan..."

It was really incredible how those two became such a staple in my life in such a short period of time. It's so nice to hang out with them for movie nights and doing homework together. I love hearing about their lives and experiences, then day dreaming of maybe getting to have my own adventures once I'm free from my relatives' home...

They're not horrible, but they don't care about my wellbeing or show me love like they do with their kids. Maybe it's normal in other families. However, whether it is or isn't, it's my normal now anyway. I just hope they show my baby more kindness than they did me... Regardless, I'll be there for my daughter or son and be the best I can be.

It's like in response, I feel the now somewhat familiar fluttering in my stomach. I smile widely and touch my stomach.

"I already love you so much... We have a long way to go though... I think the doctor said around 24 weeks or 21... Right now you'll like the size of a potato or something..." I chuckle.

I couldn't wait to let them know that my baby started to move around. They've been so supportive and I don't know how I'd be able to pay them back for their kindness... I wish I was able to get them something really nice, but maybe in the future if we're still friends I'll be able to give them something amazing. I guess the most I can do is hope they're having a great winter vacation and help them out with their homework as much as I can for this upcoming semester.

I sigh and look down at my stomach.

"Let's make a trip to the grocery store. We've got New Years and my birthday to celebrate. Your da- well... mom... is 17 now..." I say awkwardly and then get up to stretch out the tired. Hopefully, this year will be the start of something great.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted Lucca to have a tender moment with his baby. Hopefully, people are liking the re-write. I took a look at the previous book and by Chapter Seven, Lucca was already giving birth! Crazy how we're only in 4-5 months and by what I've drafted we should be seeing the baby in about 6 chapters! <3

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Where stories live. Discover now