Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I messed up. I was an idiot to think that he would help, but I had a little bit of hope that he would.

I sigh and stretch in my bed, reaching for the remote and changing the channel on the T.V. It's been a day since the school decided to move me to my own private room when they found out I'm pregnant and honestly it was for the best...

My homeroom teacher had passed me a note while handing out fliers for the upcoming Halloween dance on Friday. The note said:

'Please go to principal Alejo's office after class. It is urgent.'

The note absolutely terrified me. I was worried about being expelled and having all my hard work thrown away... When class finished I went to the principal's office and the exchange was kind of awkward and weird.


The bell rings and all the students shuffle to collect their things to leave for the next class. I quietly shove the flier into my backpack and head out of the classroom, taking my time to walk to Mr. Alejo's office.

I keep my eyes low, my hands in my pockets. I want to make myself as small as possible so people could just sort of ignore me like before. Where I was only known as that nerdy quiet kid. Of course I had to get mad and blow up on Jason like an emotional crazy freak.

I make it to his office and stand outside the door. I knock and wait for a moment till I see the principal open the door. He looks stern, but moves to the side.

"Please come in Lucca and take a seat."

I nod and hurry in. He closes the door behind him as I sit down in the chair in front of his desk, setting my backpack down quietly.

"Do you want water?" He asks as he walks to the coffee maker, pouring himself a cup.

"I uh- uhm- N-no thank you, sir..."

I'm such an idiot....

I'm anxious as hell. My life already feels like everything I had worked for was set on fire and burning to ashes right in front of me as I look on... helpless because there is nothing I can do to stop it from burning.

"Understood." He continues making his cup with creamer and then sits at his desk when he finished making it to his satisfaction. "Sorry, it's still a little early for me." He takes a sip.

"Y-yeah I understand, sir."

He smiles faintly for a split second, before the neutral look takes over and he shuffles through the papers on his desk. He clears his throat and puts on his cheaters.

"So Lucca... It seems that... according to the rumor mill and reports of students as well as teachers that... Well, it's my understanding that you're... claiming...," He was being very careful with his words, "that you're... pregnant? Is that correct?" He looks slightly uncomfortable and I honestly don't blame him because this situation sounds completely made up.

"Yes, it's true, sir. I went off campus a few weeks ago to a clinic in Los Angeles and I was tested. The doctor told me that I was around five weeks pregnant, I'm seven now. I have the pamphlet and the ultrasound to prove the pregnancy. I could even go-"

"If you could bring those to me that would be very helpful as I'm having a seriously hard time believing this, but I'm only giving you the benefit of the doubt because you are a really great and honest student. When I get that material from you, we will make the accommodation to have you get your own private room..."

"I'm not being expelled or suspended?"

"Between you and me, Lucca... This is very personal and not that I encourage the behavior, but my wife and I had our daughter during our senior year of high school. It was a scary time..., but in the end we got our diplomas regardless of the obstacles. My belief is since you have worked so hard to get into this school, I shouldn't make your life harder by expelling you and taking away more opportunities. I hope you appreciate this and continue to work hard, if not harder for your future."

I cried.


It's been two weeks since I told Jason, the word of course spread like wildfire. Although this school is known to be one of the friendliest, high schoolers are still high schoolers. What I am going through is not normal and of course I will be made fun of. The school has a pretty severe no bullying policy, but as much as teachers try to watch out for bullying behavior... they can't really stop texts or giggles or stares.

I sigh to myself and just curl up in a ball on my bed. I feel so alone. I really don't have anyone to talk to.

"I mean I have you..." I say glancing down at my stomach that was still very much flat. "But you can't really chat back with me."

Right now at seven weeks I think the baby is the size of a blueberry. I wince a little as I started to cramp. I think that's the most unpleasant part of the experience...

I look back at the TV as it flashed the words


I thought it was gonna be some natural disaster in the world, but I was surprised when it was the president of the United States standing in front of a podium. The banner of the screen flashed: Russian Virus Released into the United States.

"Good evening citizens of the United States. It has come to our attention that a Russian Virus has been leaked into our country. However, this is not a deadly one. Let me be very clear that this virus alone is absolutely NOT deadly.

"Russia has been suffering from low fertility rate for the past 10 years and as a solution to this, Russian scientists began to experiment and eventually create a fertility virus. This virus was accidentally released by a disgruntled scientist who had started to disagree with the project and was actually intending to destroy the virus. That scientist has now been found and arrested for his crime.

"What this virus does is simply boosts people's fertility, but because this virus was released before it was ready... There are men who are experiencing what was thought to be impossible. This virus has given men the ability to become pregnant. We do not know all the details, but we plan to research and keep an eye on the men who have already been affected by this. Unfortunately, since we do not know all the information, abortion for men has not been available as we do not know the risks or damage this will cause.

"We are working with the Russian government and having our scientists work together to come up with not only answers, but a solution to this mess.

"I'm sorry to all the men and women for the emotional damage this will cause. We are doing everything we can to resolve this..."

And with that the reporters go absolutely nuts with questions, but the president turns away and walks out the door.

My jaw dropped watching that speech all unfold. My mind was absolutely blown that that really just happened.

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Where stories live. Discover now