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september 14th, 2020
2:28 pm


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Sunday wondered if the people around her saw it too: the extra pep in her step, the grin that was unnecessarily wide.

"Okay, what the fuck is up with you?" Danielle asked from next to where the trio was sitting at a booth in the student center.

The table was covered with Chick-fil-A fries, nugget boxes, sauce packets and drinks.

Sunday was in a good mood so she decided to splurge just a tiny bit.

"Nothing. It's a nice sunny day and," Sunday smiled, "Get it? A sunny day like me? Like my IG name?"

Maya leaned in a little, "Are you high? Because if you are, we're roommates, you have to share."

"High off life!" Sunday took a sip out of her sweet tea.

"Maybe there's liquor in her cup?" Danielle suggested from next to Sunday.

"I'm completely sober." Sunday giggled, "Promise."

"Then what's up?" Danielle furrowed her brows, "'Cause you're all rainbows and sunshine and it's starting to freak me out for real."

Sunday stirred the red straw in her Chick-fil-A cup, a sneaky grin on her face.

"I got some." Sunday said in a sing song voice.

"Got some what?" Maya asked, flicking her eyes from her fries over to Sunday.

"What else? I got some dick." Sunday shrugged, her voice casual.

"Girl, you have sex? I don't know why but I thought you were a virgin." Danielle snickered.

When she noticed that Maya and Sunday were staring at her, Danielle stopped and abruptly forced herself to look down at her nuggets and buffalo sauce.

"Why does everyone think that?" Sunday groaned, "Oh my gosh! I was in a relationship for three years! Jesus."

"It's just the energy you give off. You wear glasses, you're always studying... You're classy. It's a compliment." Maya replied.

Sunday sat up a little straighter at being called classy, "Okay. I'm classy. I can take that."

"Who was it?" Danielle questioned inquisitively, "If you don't mind us knowing or nothing."

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