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"Master Regulus would always offer Kreacher some sweets. Master Regulus was a kind boy, so young, so noble..."

Kreacher and Rhea were at Grimmauld Place, waiting for Harry, Ron and Hermione to come back from the Ministry. They had gone there to steal the Slytherin Locket from Umbridge, and since it would be much too difficult to go as a quartet, Rhea agreed to stay back. Now, it was only reasonable for Rhea to go to the Ministry, seeing as she was a legilimens. But Hermione pointed out that they didn't really need her legilimency abilities since the plan was simple: sneak into the Ministry, get the locket, and get the hell out of there.

"I wish I could have seen him," Rhea smiled fondly at the House Elf, who was now rubbing his teary eyes with his filthy rag.

"Master Harry reminds Kreacher of Master Regulus," Kreacher told Rhea, and she smiled at him. "So kind... so brave..."

Before Rhea could reply, there was a pop, andshe immediately raced to the door, raising her wand at the new arrivers. TThere was a tall, thin lady, a short, stout man and another large man, with Harry right in front of him.

"Stupefy!" said the lady pointing her wand at a man whom Rhea recognized as Yaxley. The man fell onto the ground, and the lady looked at Rhea and screamed, "It's us! It's me, Hermione!"

"My word," Rhea gaped at them. "Polyjuice potion!"

"Yes," Hermione was slowly turning back into her old self, and so was Ron. Harry, who hadn't been under any influence of the Potion, just kicked Yaxley in the shins.

"Hermione!" Rhea suddenly said in dread. "You let him on the secret! We were secret keepers of Grimmauld Place, and now he knows where this place lies!"

"I know," Hermione wailed, looking absolutely horrified. "But he had a strong grip—I couldn't let go—"

"—We could obliviate him—"

"—Fidelus charm is stronger than a memory charm, Ron," Rhea snapped. "There's only one option: we can't stay here any longer."


"Harry!" Hermione groaned. "We can't possibly stay here, Yaxley knows where exactly we are! A simple charm from any able wizard can give access to his memories! We cannot obliviate him—it's pointless!"

"What about Kreacher?" Harry demanded, looking worriedly at the house elf.

"They're bound to do something wrong to him, he's got to go away too," Ron said grimly, and the others nodded.

"Kreacher can go to into hiding," Kreacher said, bowing so that his nose touched the ground. "Death Eaters cannot question Kreacher this way."

The four teenagers looked at each other, knowing this was the only option. They decided to let Yaxley gain consciousness by himself.

After bidding Kreacher farewell, and after Harry gave Kreacher a warm hug which made the house elf burst into tears, the teenagers apparated from Grimmauld to the same place they had watched the Quidditch World cup three years ago.

Not knowing that they would have long, painful, famishing and exhausting months ahead of them.

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After the feast, Rhea and Luna went to the Headmaster's office. 

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