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"How long do we have until they interrupt us again?"

Rhea and Remus were sitting under the tree next to the Black Lake, having discretely slipped away from their friends so that they could spend some time together. It was now the 9th of March, marking Rhea's eighteenth—technically twenty first—birthday. Of course, their friends had thrown a midnight party in the common room, which, unfortunately, Severus, Amy and Regulus couldn't attend.

They did give Rhea her presents in the morning, though.

Remus laughed, leaning back with his palms on the ground and his legs stretched. "Knowing them, not long enough."

She smiled, this fact not bothering her at all. Even though it did frustrate her that they hardly let Rhea and Remus stay alone for more than five minutes, she loved them dearly. "Well, they'll be here anytime, so..."

He raised his eyebrows, a smile playing on his lips. "You're too impatient." He reached for his school bag, pulling something out of it. "I didn't really know what to give you...so I figured, why not dark chocolate? I mean, I've already gotten you a Sony TR63, and a bracelet, I was sort of running out of options..."

He trailed off awkwardly, but Rhea laughed and took the large bar of chocolate from his hands. "You know I don't mind." she unwrapped the bar messily, "Besides, who says no to dark chocolate?"

He relaxed instantly, giving her an eye roll. "I do hope you're going to share."

"I am." She nodded gravely, breaking a piece off and offering it to him. "Unfortunately."

Remus bit into the piece of chocolate and cringed a little, not used to the bitterness. After a few seconds, he felt a warm, sweet flavour melting into his tongue, nullifying the bitterness to a certain extent, but simultaneously, retaining its bitter tingle.

Next to him, Rhea pouted. "I wanted you to try the 100% dark chocolate."

Remus gave her an incredulous look. "Why? So I can die of bitterness?"

She aimed a smile at him, letting the chocolate melt in her mouth so that she could savour the bittersweet flavor. "Eat bitter, t—"

"—taste sweet." Remus finished, rolling his eyes. "Still hate that idiom."

"Terminal literalism is the talk of the town, Rem." Rhea tsked, leaning down to brush her lips against his for a peck, but Remus cupped the back of her neck to bring her closer, deepening the kiss. He could taste the bittersweet essence of the chocolate on her lips, lulling him into a blissful stupor.

"Happy twenty first." Remus murmured, pressing his forehead against hers.

"Thanks." She said quite breathlessly. "Funny how your birthday is just after mine, eh?"

Before Remus could reply, a loud voice several feet away from them bellowed:

"Oi, Moony! Re! How long do I have to pretend I don't exist?"

Rhea jumped and pulled away from Remus, a grumpy look adorning her face as she turned to find James bloody Potter standing and staring at them with barely veiled discomfort.

"Arse." Remus softly cursed, pulling away from Rhea and glaring at James. He then grudgingly beckoned for James to come over.

"Finally," James huffed, making his way over to them briskly. "I was beginning to wonder if you were going to snog all day."

"It was just forty five seconds." Rhea said, snorting. "What d'you want, Jamie?"

"Rude." He sniffed, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Am I not allowed to see my non-biological brother and my cruel non-biological sister?"

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