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"Our deepest condolences, Miss Arquette"

"Thank you, Minister Scrimgeour."

Audric Arquette and Abrielle Arquette had a funeral where at least a hundred guests had attended despite the looming threat of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters' attacks. The French Ministry had sent most of its workers, and the British Ministry officials had all taken a day off from work.

Rhea Arquette wore a simple black dress, with a hat on her head. She stared blankly at the people who had queued up in front of the graves, ready to pay their respects.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Luna stood protectively by her side at all times. Mrs Weasley had taken it upon herself to get the funeral going. She arranged for the drinks, cleared the yard, conjured up seats and saw to it that all the other necessities were present. Rhea couldn't thank her enough.

"It's really fortunate the Death Eaters didn't know where Harry lived," Ron muttered feverishly, as he, Harry, Luna, Hermione and Rhea stood in the corner of the yard.

Harry and Hermione shot him nasty glares, but Rhea nodded. "We've got Dumbledore to thank for that." She stared solemnly.

Hermione and Ron looked confused, but Rhea didn't notice her slip up. Harry looked at Ron in an 'I'll-tell-you-later' way. He was yet to tell them about the Prophecy.

Just when Ron had opened his mouth to clear his confusion, Dumbledore walked towards them.

"Rhea, dear," Dumbledore said gently. "Mrs Weasley will be more than happy to have you in the Burrow."

Rhea opened her mouth to say something, but Ron beat her to it. "Save it, Rhea, you are coming with us no matter what."

Sighing, she looked at Ron and Dumbledore gratefully. Then Dumbledore turned towards Harry. Leaning down, he whispered, "Harry, I shall escort you to the Burrow this Friday, if that is convenient for you."

Harry felt a small smile grace his lips as he replied, "Yes, sir."

"And I have another matter, in which your assistance would be highly appreciated," Dumbledore went on. "I shall come to the details this Friday."

"Of course, sir."

Dumbledore smiled, and drew back. "The last of the guests shall leave in half an hour, Rhea, after which the Weasleys shall take you to the Burrow."

Rhea nodded blankly. Dumbledore's smile wavered as he realized her grief was numbing her from further pain. But grief was something one must overcome gradually. Nodding at the teenagers, he left to talk to Mrs Longbottom, who had just arrived.

Neville left his grandmother's side and jogged towards Rhea. "Rhea," he panted. "I'm—so sorry—"

Rhea smiled for the first time that day and hugged him, cutting off his condolences. Luna brightened and hugged him too.

"Better steer clear off my gran, Harry," Neville warned. "She's been anxious to meet you ever since the, you know, incident at the Ministry."

"Consider me prepared," Harry muttered, and Rhea smiled again.

"That's nothing," Ron said darkly. "Mum's been gushing 'bout dad's promotion. She'll inform every wizard and witch in London by the end of this month."

Hermione frowned, as the others offered their congratulations and scolded Ron, "Don't blame your mother, Ron, this is really good news!"

"Yeah, well, considering—"

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