Part 10

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Omg thank you so much for the 670 reads!!!
This means so much to me thank you guyss!😊

⚠️Warning⚠️ torture/abuse and kissing

You walk with Bella to the kitchen saying not a single word. When you come to the kitchen she asks:' pancakes blueberries and syrup you said?'

You nod and you look around the big kitchen, you had gotten here once but you never looked at it very close, there are paintings on the wall and a family foto, only one person was ript out.

'If I may ask Bella...who is the wiped out person on this photo?' You ask politely while pointing at the photo.

'That was Sirius Black...' she says and sighs, you decide not to ask further.

'Soo, what can I do to help?' You ask as you walk up next to her, she is taller then you and Narcissa for sure.

'Well, one thing is very important, we don't use magic in the kitchen, it takes away the fun.' She says and gives you a wink.

'Second, you can go look for the syrup and make the eggs and toast for Cissy, not to dark not to white.' She says

'No problem!' You say smiling and go looking for the syrup, after 5 minutes you find it but you can't reach it.

'Bella?' You ask


'I can't reach the top shelf, can you help me?' You ask

'Oh yes, sure darling.' She says and grabs the syrup, you stare into each others eyes.

Suddenly she kisses you, you kiss back but pull away slightly, Bella noticed.

'Oh god, am sorry y/n, I don't know what came over me.' She says and starts to panic.

'It's okey Bella.' You say smiling and walk to the other shelf to grab the toast.

'I know about you and Cissy.' She says

You freeze in time and you start to panic.

'Bella I-' you say when you turn around to face her but she cuts you off.

'Hey, it's okey, if you two are happy I am two.' She says slightly smiling.

'Was I that loud?' You giggle

'Well, loud enough to hear.' She says winking

'Oh dear.' You say nervously

'Don't worry, I will not tell anyone.' She says smiling


You hear the frond door opening with a big bang.

You and Bella run to the front door to see who it is. You see Narcissa coming down almost running, her hair is still wet and curly, she looks beautiful without makeup.

'It is your fault!'

You see Voldemort and the death eaters come in. He holds Draco in his hands and throws him on the floor. Blood drips down his face and he slightly moves.

'Omg Draco!' Narcissa yells and runs to Draco.' What have you done to him?!' She yells.

'He failed the mission, he was seen by more then five muggles.' Voldemort explains.

You and Bella just stand there in shook.

Narcissa heals Draco his wounds and he is able to stand up again.

'Don't you dare touch my son like that ever again!' She yells and has tears in her eyes.

'Don't talk to me like that!' Voldemort says and points his wand at her.

'No!' You yell and everyone is looking at you.

'You also are turning your back on me?!' He yells and now pointing his wand at you.

'You will not lay one finger on her, Draco or Bella!' You shout full of anger.

You point your wand at him.

'Expelliarmus!' He shouts but you block him

'Oh, you want to play it dangerous little girl?' He says and he smirks.

'Flipendo maxima!' He shouts, you are to late and you get thrown into the wall behind you.

'Y/n!' Bella shouts and she runs up to you.

You are weak but you are able to stand up without falling

'Don't do this y/n, it will get you killed.' Bella whispers.

'I don't care.' You say and you grab your wand from the side and points it at him.

'Still believing you can win? Such a dumb girl.' He says laughing.

He mumbles a spell you don't know and you can't block him on time, a robe as hot as fire circles around you and you get drawn to Voldemort.

'Aahg, it burns like hell!' You yell

'You better listen before you go there.' Voldemort smirks

You walk with the robe to Voldemort where you collapse onto the floor.

'Look at me.' Voldemort says. You keep staring at the ground.' Look at me!' He yells and pulls the robe so it burns more into your skin. You look up slowly with tears in your eyes, you try not to scream from pain, otherwise you will seem weak.

'You are going to listen to me, I have a task for you, Bellatrix and Narcissa, you will complete the task and get straight back here? Do you understand me?!' He asks angry

'Y-yes.' You slowly whisper.

'What did you say, I did not hear it?!' He yells and he puls onto the robe.

'AAAHHHH, YES, YES I UNDERSTAND!' you yell out of pain and he lets go of the robe, as soon as he left in smoke you let yourself fall onto the ground and cry.

'Draco, get some icepacks and some water, Bella you hold her head while I check the wounds.' Narcissa says while running up to you, it sounded like she knew it was going to happen to you. Draco does as she says and runs away, Bella lifts up your head and lays it on her lap.

'It is going to be okey y/n, it's going to hurt a bit but it won't last long.' Bella says trying to comfort you while stroking your hair.

You feel like your going to black out and your eyes start to close.

'Y/n, stay with me okey, please, try to hold your eyes open dear.' Narcissa says as she lifts up your shirt what reveals deep wounds, they are so deep you can almost see your insides.

'I am so tired...' you say slowly.

'No, no y/n, stay with me...' she says and tears stream down her face.

'Are we going to lose her Cissy?' Bella asks, you feel that she is also crying because you feel a tear on your forehead.

'N-no, we can't lose her and we won't.' Narcissa says quick.

'Here mother.' Draco says and you see him standing next to her, he is terrified.

'Thank you, now, this is going to hurt a bit but try to stay awake okey dear?' Narcissa asks and you nod slowly

She puts some water on the wound and you hiss loudly, you can't feel your legs anymore and your head is getting lighter.

'I know darling, it hurts.' Bella says while cupping your head

Your eyes start to close and before you close your eyes you hear.' No, NO Y/N!'

Narcissa x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora