chapter 19

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just to tell, I am not comfy to write SA in this story so I will mention it but I will not write it

⚠️mention off Sexual assult⚠️

'ding ding ding.' You chuckle as you told a story about how Draco used to kiss you in the second grade on your lips for a dare. Narcissa cringes at the thought.

'ew- I never thought that he would do that-' she said while making a digust look.

'well he did!' you chuckle. 'besides I kissed back and I must say he is a pretty good kisser.' you cuddle more up to Narcissa as you stare into the fireplace while she strokes your hair gently. Her hands are soft and warm. There had been no sexual activities been within you and her in the last few weeks. You had been raped a few weeks ago when you and Bella where at a pub. Both you and her where very drunk and you had no chance to say no. Narcissa didn't knew this and you where not planning to. although you have been feeling a little sick you didn't thought anything off it.

'Tomorrow evening we have a meeting again, you can stay here or you can come with us, your choice.' she spoke softly and caring, your mother never gave a shit about you and with that you also saw her as a mother figuere but also as a lover. you nod your head slowly as you sigh. 'something has been bothering you, I can sense it.' she speaks softly as she brushes some hair out off your face.

'I am fine Cissa, I promise.' she humms a bit but you know she doesn't believe you. you close your eyes slowly and fall asleep in her arms.

A few hours later you woke up, you feel your stomach twist and you run to the bathroom, bend over the toilet and puke in it. Narcissa must have felt it and ran after you, holding your hair back. Half a minute goes by and you stopped puking, you hold your stomach lightly. 'Are you okey dear?' she asked with a worried look on her face. you nod slowly.

'I am fine, thank you..' you mumble as you wipe your mouth with some toilet paper. 'we need to go to the meeting..before we are late' you stand up and just walk out, you fear the worst.

everyone sat down on there place as you see a angry Dark lord but also a slight smirk on his face. Narcissa sits next to you. 'So, we have killed some muggles, along with Mrs Lovegood.' he smirks at you. your stomach twisted and gasps slightly in shock, your hands start to shake a bit. 'anything to say about this y/n?' he asks, looking at you, you shake your head and you feel narcissa tense next to you.

the meeting was rather boring as always but you where busy holding back a lot off tears as they showed her body as they always do to prove people from a mission are dead. the meeting was over and you stand up and walk out quickly, you walk to your room and slam your door shut. You scream and cry your eyes out, feeling an empty place in your heart. you hear a soft knock. 'y/n?..' it was narcissa's soft voice.

'go away..' you cry, on the verge off a panic attack. she comes in anyway and pulls you into a tight hug. you cry hard into her chest as she tries to calm you.

'she never deserved this dear..neither do you.. sshhh..' she shushed and rubbed your back gently, holding you close. you feel that you need to throw up again and run to the bathroom, throws up.

'oh my goodness..' Narcissa runs after you holding back your hair, rather agressively. after a few mins you stopped and wipes your mouth, narcissa glares at you. 'Y/n.'

'what?' you look up confused and little sick.

'have you been seeing other men?' she glares at you and your eyes widen in disbelieve.

'what? no ofc not.' you stand up and walk out.

she grabs your arm and pulls you to her chest, she glares at you in a angry way. 'you have! don't lie to me!'

you flinch at her sudden shouting, she sees you flinched and her face softens a bit. you tear up, feeling a burning feeling in your throat.

'let me go!' you try to get out off her grip but it is no use, she is way stronger.

'why did you flinch?! you fucked someone else didn't you?!' she slaps your cheek hard in reaction you flinch again and gasp. tears spill over your cheeks and you step back, her hand loosing it's grip on yours.

'I was raped!' you cry out and run out off the room, you bump into Bella who sees you cryng and immediatly wraps her arms around you.

'hey hey sweetheart, what's wrong?' she whispers slowly as she holds you close, your face pressed against her boobs as you cry.

'she yelled at me..' you mumble while your tears keep spilling over her bare chest.

'who yelled at you dear?' she sounded soft and safe.


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