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Who did that Kim dude think he was? Surely, being in this line of work, he must have been aware of the fact that all bodyguards were expendable. Including himself. Standing in front of a digital booth, Jungkook huffed in annoyance as he typed in his phone number and scanned the barcode of his reservations in order to retrieve the tickets.

Mingyu, who was waiting nearby, noticed something. "You only bought four seats."

"Well, yeah. There are only four of us."

"What about your 'chauffeur'?"

"He's not getting paid to watch films."

"He won't be able to get in without a ticket and this screening is sold out."

"Not my problem." Jungkook couldn't be bothered to justify his choices so he simply added, "I'm not here to make it easy for him."

He turned around and noticed Taehyung standing a few metres away, wearing a sharp suit and scanning the crowd for potential threats. "Let's grab some popcorn."

Ignoring Taehyung's warning, the boy had made online reservations for TLFM and presented him with the fait accompli. Surprisingly, there had been no further objection on the other's part.

He's finally learning who's the boss around here, was Jungkook's initial thought.

As if to refute that very idea, Taehyung had explained that after analysing online reviews and sensitive content present in the movie, he'd concluded that the message and positive role models outweighed the violence, language, drinking and smoking.

As they were waiting in line for their sodas, a few angry shouts were heard by the plush-vending machine. Some guy was apparently arguing with his girlfriend who was desperately trying to get away but couldn't because of his strong grip on her arm. Soon, everyone was looking in their direction, holding phones to record the scene. Jungkook walked over to Taehyung. "You should probably do something about it."

"I'm assigned to your protection."

"I'm fine. She's not. And you're security. So it's kinda your duty to intervene."

Jungkook began noticing that whenever Taehyung had to make a decision after carefully considering the pros and cons and consequences, he'd stand still for a second or two, unblinking. The man observed the couple fighting before turning to the teenager who simply mouthed "go".

And so he went.

This was Jungkook's cue to take off. "Come on, let's move," he said, urging his friends toward the entrance, holding his ticket out for the staff to validate.

"You're just going to leave him there?" Jaehyun asked, a little concerned.

"Don't baby him. He can take care of himself."

Why did Jungkook's friends insist on second-guessing his decisions and making him feel like shit? Granted Taehyung had a bike. But that did not automatically make him the coolest person to hang out with it.

Or did it?

Jungkook was growing increasingly annoyed at his classmates' unhealthy obsession with his latest watchdog.

Little did he know he had just provided them with another opportunity to gush over the man and his hidden fighting skills.

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