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After the Megabox incident — as his friends came to call it — and the Expressway chase, Jungkook had been expected such events to multiply. Which was why the dullness of the following weeks had been rather remarkable.

Jungkook discovered that Taehyung didn't like to ride in the rain and on such days, would drop him off by car. When in school, he'd spend the day outside of his classroom and for that, the boy was grateful. The awkwardness of having a full-grown man sitting at a pupil desk had been a mortifying experience. Even during lunch at the cafeteria, Taehyung had a way of making himself unobtrusive. Not quite forgettable but definitely not imposing whatsoever.

Jungkook came to appreciate the fact that the man never took his complaints personally and as he would lash out, Taehyung simply listened until the teen had got everything off his chest. The grown-up would then share his insight on the matter and more often than not, would find the right words to calm the boy down, exhibiting what looked like an unlimited supply of empathy.

The weather had been really nice lately, and on this lovely Sunday afternoon, Jungkook had finished his homework early. Sure, he could have called his friends to hang out. But he had a better idea.

"M-mister Kim? I know I told you I didn't have plans to leave the house today, but if you're not busy, I was wondering if you could — uh — let me ride your bike?"


"Uh— Sir?"

"You're thirteen."

Damn those three words. "So?"

"The minimum driving age for motorbikes under 125 cc in South Korea is 16."

"Why do you always sound like a walking encyclopedia?"

"I can take you on a ride outside the city, if you'd like."

That would do.

They reached the countryside within an hour. Taehyung parked his motorcycle by the Han River, near a small park where families and young couples alike strolled by ponds of water lilies, snacking on colourful candy floss.

"This is nice." The sincerity of his own words surprised Jungkook. After three years of being cooped up in the Blue House, this trip was surreal. He had forgotten what it felt like to be a regular civilian, walking in public without suits on his tail. Of course, Taehyung was close by, but he was wearing his leather jacket so — wait.

Where was Taehyung?

But most importantly, why would Jungkook even care where Taehyung was?

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