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Sorry for spamming everytime this fic reaches a milestone but I promise that after this, you won't hear from me until it says 100K reads (if it ever does).

Here's a drabble I wrote ages ago, when I was still playing with the idea that some kind of bond could unfold between a human and an Artificial Intelligence

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Here's a drabble I wrote ages ago, when I was still playing with the idea that some kind of bond could unfold between a human and an Artificial Intelligence.

Taehyung never thought he'd  argue with his damn car, yet there he was, yelling at the vehicle's AI who refused to take him to his girlfriend's house, for his so called 'own good.'

"You're a very expensive feature and your input is appreciated when it comes to road safety, but you have no business voicing opinions on my destinations. Now get moving or I'll be late."

"Request denied."

"That's it. I'm taking you back to the car dealer tomorrow to have you removed."

"... Please don't."

Or AI JK being protective of his owner.

You see, when Taehyung visits said girlfriend, JK just doesn't idly sit in the parking lot waiting for his owner to return. He gets to know the girlfriend's car (or rather, its own AI) and, one thing leading to another, finds out Taehyung's vehicle is not the only one visiting...

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