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I know, I know, I updated a little early but I couldn't help it!

Have fun reading!!!


Justin's POV

Alannah told me, not to overthink it. I ended up doing it anyway.

She also sent me a gift, something I obviously had to ask Hope to help with the unboxing. When my best friend'd told me that I'd be shocked, she wasn't joking. 

We'd opened the thing in the living room, in front of Faith and Harry. Thank god, mum and dad weren't with us. I don't even know how it would've gone if they'd seen the gift.

The gift was a dildo, but whatever. I ended up chucking it in the corner of my room. There's no way I'm using it ever. Never, ever. I didn't talk to Alannah for a week.

And then, here's the actual situation right now. Mike was with me. He was outside my room, in my backyard, probably with no permission to do so, declaring his love for me.

He told me how he'd been all these days without me and brought me to tears. I was standing somewhat in the middle of my room to the window. I wanted him inside, near me, holding my hand. But I was in no position to do so.

I didn't even know how he looked. It killed me, noting knowing things with sight. It made me want to rip my eyes out.

"Say something..."

I gulped, bowing my head. What do I say? That I missed his too? I've been avoiding him because I hated my eyes? I was listening to his voice from the recorder just before he showed up?

"Justin, I'm coming in." And he did just that. I think.

I heard the sound of my windows opening fully. I didn't have a net on my window since I usually end up using the air-conditioner at night with the windows closed. I could hear him jumping in and closing the windows.

He was in front of me fast. I could feel his presence. The heat radiating off of him, the sweet smell of his perfume and coconut. 

He still had that smell, did he make coconut rocks before he came here?

"Tell me what's wrong," he murmured. Heat rose to my face and I knew I was blushing again. 

Way to put yourself out there Justin. 

"Hey, look at me- sorry." He lifted my chin anyway and leveled me to what I think was at him.

I let out a choked laugh, bitterly giving the words out. "That's where the reality hits us, doesn't it. I'm blind."

"So?" That was Mike's response. "That's your problem? You've been avoiding me because you're blind?"

I rolled my eyes and Mike gasped.

"You just rolled your eyes!"

I rolled it again, suppressing the smile. "What? Can't blind people roll their eyes?" I know, I was just stalling but I'll take what I get.

"Don't give me that attitude right now Justin. Tell me, what's the problem?"

I didn't want to answer that question, so I turned around instead, ready to yell for Hope. But, I ended up being pulled back fast, and my mouth was closed, with soft sparks and sweet touch.

Mike was kissing me.

I gasped at the realization, eyes wide even if I couldn't see and mouth opening in shock. I could feel him smiling near me lips. He was breathing calmly in my face.

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