Chapter 8: Ice, GIW, And Uncle Who?

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Danny walked along halls looking for Wonder Woman, he was also making sure Tim wasn't around. He didn't have the energy to make himself invisible again. More so, he didn't have the energy to fly away if he had to. So he sluggishly walked along halls looking for Wonder Woman.

Damian had adjusted his clothes as they were wrinkles and had tear splashes on them. He was looking for Danny, he wasn't going to ask about what happened at the lab but he wanted to take care of him. Bruce was gone, in Gotham looking for the Joker after finding out he knew some of what was going on in that lab.

He wanted to go with but Danny was his top priority right now. Luckily for him, finding Danny wouldn't be a difficult task. He was turning the corner to the hallway Damian was in. He smiled slightly, relieved.

Damian never did like looking for things in this mansion. He might as well be in a maze, he would constantly get lost. In some cases, find new hallways or rooms when he ventured. Although, that was how those normal walks went, he loved setting off Bruce's alarms and police bots. It made it worth the trip. He wondered how Pennyworth never got lost. Did he have a GPS for the mansion?

"Danny." Damian said, his voice was firm and commanding. Danny looked up at him and stepped back tripping on his feet. Damian noticed he was wearing a knee length medium poofy dress. It was bright purple and had a popping bow on the side. He had a large purple bow pin in his hair. Damian ran over and helped him up, trying to ignore the fact they Danny was wearing a dress.

Some part of him wanted him to keep wearing dresses, it made Danny happy.

Some other part of him wanted him to stop wearing dresses, Damian was uncomfortable.

Danny looked at Damian and smiled before walking passed him and running to the other end of the hallway. "Danny, what are you doing?" Damian asked as Danny watched his corners. "Hiding from Tim and looking for Diana." He stated. Damian chuckled, had Tim and him been playing hide and seek? "Why are you looking for Diana? She left awhile ago to go on patrol with Bruce and Clark." Damian stated.

Danny sighed disappointed. "I thought Diana was gonna be my new Mama." Danny whispered and gripped the fabric of his dress. Damian blinked trying to process what Danny just said.




Damian stifled a laugh and forced his 'Batman in training' face. "Um Danny, they aren't dating. Bruce isn't married to anyone." Damian stated. Danny looked up and his hair flopped. "What?" He whispered. "Bruce isn't married, and he doesn't plan to get married. At least... I don't think so." Damian stated. Danny sighed and pouted.

Danny, it's okay. You have me, your awesome older sister. Mom and Dad just went to get groceries, they'll be back soon. Right now, however, you get to play dress-up with me.

Doesn't that sound fun?

Danny looked at Damian and grabbed his hand confusing him. "Do you want to play dress-up with me? It's fun." He asked, a big smile on his face. Damian was now horrified. No, he did not want to play dress-up. "Uh, no. I don't like wearing dresses." He stated. Funny, he didn't pull away from Danny. "That's okay, we can dress-up as pirates. You can be the captain," Danny said and put his hand to his head. He saluted and stood up straight. Damian chuckled and said a small, "Okay princess."


Pirates quickly turned into a munchies movie night. Tim had Danny on his left and Damian on his right. They were asleep and Tim was watching Marvel movies while eating a slice of pineapple pizza (I prefer pepperoni but Hawaiian is fine too).

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