Chapter 15: Thoughts About Danny

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Danny was a mess for the next couple of days and Bruce was often found in Danny's room.

Bruce was plagued with thoughts of Danny crying while he was out on patrol. He would constantly tell himself why patrol was important and that Danny wasn't alone. He had Alfred and Alfred was obviously great with kids. He raised Bruce himself.

"Batman, what do we tell Danny when he finds out who we're looking for? I mean, we are telling him, right?" Damian said through the earpiece having been on the other building across from him. Batman looked at Damian for a split second before looking forward again.

He hadn't planned on telling Danny who he was looking for, which was the GIW. Danny had a magical time last time so maybe, "We can't, not after what happened last time. This is not to be spoken around him. Got it?" he said but his voice was calm and sounded more like a father than a hero talking to his sidekick. Damian smiled at the tone of voice but frowned for it's a statement.

Understanding reasoning was something he knew, so he knew that keeping this from Danny might be for the best. Yet, he wouldn't mind another indoor snowball fight, Alfred was a bit competitive though.

Alfred wouldn't let a chance go where he had a free inconsequential choice to throw snowballs at Bruce and small children.

Bruce never understood what it was that the GIW was after. To the nonobservant, they were after the general ghost that hid your car keys or pushed books off the shelf (I think I have a ghost then, he pushes makeup off my shelf). However, to the keen eye, they were after something the ghosts owned, something they needed.

If Bruce's theory was correct, assuming he knew about ghosts enough, then Danny was that something. The ghosts owned Danny, he was theirs. Danny had known these ghosts and they knew him, he was basically their kid, son, friend, brother, whatever it was he was that. He had a secret of being half-dead and it needed to be kept a secret.

So if that's the case, how did they get Danny?

Bruce never found out how they got him and Danny never gave details, 'they got me after I ran off' or 'they found out after the explosion'.

However they got Danny, it was traumatizing because he wasn't telling.


Danny yawned and rubbed his eyes. It's after four in the morning. He stretched and went outside his warm room to the not-warm-but-not-cold hallway. He yawned one more time before going over to the kitchen, empty. He grabbed a small cookie from the cookie jar. Not really something he should eat so late, but he wasn't sure if he could reach the plate of triangle ham sandwiches on the top shelf of the fridge.

"Master Danny?"

The lights flickered on and Alfred stood in the doorway tying a pink pastel apron with white hearts around his waist. Danny had looked up at Alfred and hid the cookie behind his back.

Alfred sighed and picked Danny up. "Did you wake up again? From your friend?" he asked. Danny shook his head. He didn't seem like he wanted to talk about the subject of Youngblood.

"Uh, h-how did you know it was me?" he asked after swallowing the last bit of cookie. Alfred chuckled and in a playful tone said, "I don't think the boys have glowing neon green eyes." Danny felt his face heat up and he giggled. "Jazzy used to make fun of my eyes cause it creeped her out." Danny leaned against Alfred.

"Master Danny, as much as I would love to wake you, after putting you back to sleep, I'd suggest you sleep in. You-"


Alfred sighed and took Danny to his room and covered him up. Best he sleeps in. Alfred decided breakfast was in order and started.


Bruce forced himself out of bed and downstairs. The smell of bacon made him hungry.

He took care of two bank robberies, a petty street thief, two accounts of different GIW subjects, and Robin asking for vanilla ice cream with cookie dough. He wasn't sure which account he could have lived without, the GIW or Robin's persistence.

He rubbed his eyes with his pointer finger and thumb. He wouldn't admit he was tried but...

he was tired.

He wasn't sure coffee and a five-hour energy were going to wake him up. He has to go to work today too, he could get through this. He's gotten through the Joker multiple times.

"Morning Alfred," he mumbled adjusting his tie. Bruce knew how to tie a tie (I can not knot lmao) but on a day like this, it was clip-on.

"Good morning, Master Bruce," Alfred replied flipping a piece of bacon. He seemed a bit cheerier today. He poured Bruce a cup of coffee. "What's got you in a peppy mood?" he asked opening the newspaper. Damien came in yawning so hard tears sat on the sides of his eyes.

"Master Daniel, he woke up at four in the morning. He seemed... lost." Alfred had piqued Bruce's interest. He felt oddly refreshed. Some strong coffee. "Lost? Did his friend come by again?" Bruce asked. Tim came in dressed for work. "No, but he came in the kitchen and grabbed a cookie. He fell asleep in my arms. I'd be quiet when passing his room, he's exceptionally tired." Alfred explained with a thoughtful smile.

Damien listened to Alfred while pouring himself a cup of coffee (which he isn't allowed to have). Bruce was too tired to say anything and sighed. Damien grinned before scooping spoons full of powder creamer and two cubes of sugar. Danny was someone he cared about so if he was tired, he wasn't going to disturb him.

He looked at Tim who had poured himself a glass of tea with peach. He wasn't fond of coffee. Tim looked up at Damien and ran his fingers through his hair, Damien noticed he hadn't gelled it back. "At least he wasn't crying. That's progress. He's getting better." he took a long sip of his tea. Damien took a small sip of his not-allowed coffee.

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