Chapter 20: Growing Up

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Danny yawned and sat up and stretched. "Come on, get up Youngblood," Danny said nudging his friend, who groaned in response. "Five more minutes..." he said his words slurred together. Danny nudged him again and grabbed his stuffed animal and kissed Jasmine's head. "Nice try, but last time I gave you five minutes you stayed in bed for two more hours," Danny stated, YB laughed sleepily. "Alright, alright. I'm up, no need to get cranky this morning."


"What're you wearing?" YB asked. Danny came out of the bathroom wearing a knee-length medium poof dress. It had a 60s style and had medium bright colors. YB gave him a thumbs up. "No headband?" he asked. Danny slid on a pair of white dress shoes. "No, Wonder Woman said she'd curl my hair," Danny stated. "Really, then today must be a big day. Mind telling me what it is?" YB asked dramatically. Danny laughed light-heartedly in response. "I'm going to school, again. Alfred wants to put me in Astronomy! And Rocket Science! He also wants to put me in advanced math." He smiled and rocked on the balls of his feet.

YB smiled softly and sighed. "Hey, Danny," he started, "I got something important to tell you." He voice wavered. Danny frowned and clutched the fabric of his dress. His face scrunched and his eyes welled up with salty water. "Don't. Please. I know, it's not your fault. I was hoping you had a little longer." He said quietly, his voice cracking.

YB forced a silly smile and wrapped his arms around himself. He looked weak, tired, and sad.

Scared, he was most definitely scared.

"I have the day at most. Can I spend it with you? At school?" He asked. Danny nodded and held his hand out. "I don't want you away from me any longer than you have to be." Danny stated. YB wrapped his ghostly fingers around Danny's and they walked to the kitchen.

"Can you do something for me?" He asked. Danny shifted Jasmine in his arm. He looked at YB, ready for whatever it was he needed. "Can you give me a kiss before I leave? I wanted to do it was Ember but she already has a boyfriend. I want to do kiss someone before I die. Like die for real! Please?!"

Danny blinked not expecting that. Then YB said, "No homo though." Danny snorted and then laughed. "Okay, no homo though." YB smiled.

"Did you know Clockwork and Vlad are in a relationship?" He questioned. "Yeah, I hope they marry. I want to see Clockwork in a dress." Danny stated. YB laughed and nodded. "What if they both wore dresses?" He suggested. Danny bursted out laughing. "Vlad never liked wearing dresses after Clockwork won a bet, remember? They fought over who folded laundry better." He reminisced. "I think Clockwork wanted something to stare at. Vlad looked like he was constantly running a fever. The eye dudes were not happy with him slacking." YB explained. "Maybe I can be Vlad's best man." Danny said thinking about Clockworks and Vlad's probable (definite) wedding.

"Danny, woah who's your friend?" Damian greeted them. "This is Youngblood. He's my best friend." He stated, more than happy to give clarifications. Bruce ran his fingers through his hairs having already met Youngblood multiple times. "Mornin' Bruce." He greeted. Bruce waved and took a large sip of coffee. Tim looked down at his tea, he might need more.

Alfred smiled and waved having met multiple ghosts that would often times accompany Danny in activities. Youngblood just happen to be a more reoccurring visitor. He made it clear he needed no invitation. The other was a rather sophisticated looking fellow who would loose himself in poems was also prominent. He would openly make himself known.

"Come on, I know you can't eat this but that's okay. We can still talk."

Danny knew YB could eat this, if he weren't so weak and approaching a permanent death. Danny mentally shook his head. No negative thoughts today. Danny had to be strong for Youngblood. "It's fine, I'm not hungry anyway."

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