Chapter Seven

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Cat was constantly blabbering about the waiter she met at the club. By the end of it, it was like she was out of breath. It was sweet seeing her so happy with a guy. It made me wonder if I would ever get a chance to have something just as special.

It felt like we were going into every single store in the mall. Honestly, I never understood how Cat's bank account could keep up with her shopping habits. She needed a shopping bag full of purchases from every store possible. Her arms were completely strapped down with all kinds of bags from each department store. How could her arms not be sore?

My mind started to wonder about David. Those warm delicious kisses that explored my body. The sting from the whips striking my thighs. Meeting with David was the most exciting thing that was going good in my life. As much fun as it was, I also can't help but think about the very first time every so often.

What he did was so wrong. He drugged me and I told Cat not to report it. How could I be so naïve?

"Hell-ooo. Earth to Maddie."

I gave my head a slight shake as I snapped out of my thoughts. "What's up?"

"I asked where we should eat for lunch." Cat added a little eye roll with a sigh. She looked me over cautiously. "Are you sure you're okay?" she asked, pursing her lips.

I gave her a small nod.

"Is it David? It's not too late to report it."

I glared back at her. "I told you no. I want to make sense of it first." I didn't mean to give her such an annoyed tone of voice. "I'm sorry but I'm just not ready to go to the cops just yet. Besides, they probably wouldn't believe me."

"You don't know that. Do you have any evi-."

"I told you NO," I said, cutting her off mid-sentence. My frustration grew as Cat refused to drop the subject.

"Look, I'm trying to understand, Mads. But you can't keep shutting me out. I'm ready to talk whenever you are." Cat stormed off, leaving me alone in the middle of the department store.

"Great, looks like I'm gonna have to take a cab home."


To understand just what kind of person David is, I'm going to have to start digging up some info.

Going back to work a day after shopping with Cat, it seemed like Emma would be a good person to talk to first. Pulling up into a parking spot in front of the store, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Emma was your stereotypical blonde. It was almost guaranteed that I could get information about David from her.

Well, here goes nothing.

As soon as I stepped foot inside the store, it was as if right on cue that I heard Emma's preppy voice.

"Good morning, Madeline! Mister Lawson wants us to straighten up the floor before we open," she chirped.

"Sure thing, just let me check in real quick."

I quickly checked my time card in so I could hurry back to Emma. Before I walked back, I heard David's sweet voice. My heart calmed down as I realized he was talking to her instead of me. I stayed hidden in the admin room while I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"How is everything looking up here, Emma?" David asked her.

She basically quivered in the attention he was giving her. "Very well, Mister Lawson. I'm almost done organizing everything for opening time."

David discreetly looked around, making sure the coast was clear. "Did you receive my gift? I look forward to tonight," he said in a deep hushed tone while stroking her face with the back of his hand.

Emma's eyes glowed as she excitedly nodded her head. "Yes, sir. I made sure nothing got in the way tonight."

"Good girl. Don't be late tonight." David left her standing there and retreated back into his office.

I stood in the admin room feeling dumbfounded. I can't believe I was right. Emma is roped into all of this as well. I wonder if it's the exact same deal he made with me. I have to know more. Would she come up with some cover story if I asked her to get drinks tonight?

There was really only one way to find out. I left the room to join Emma refolding some clothes. Her back was turned towards me and I must have startled her because she jumped when I called her name. Her eyes were dark until she realized it was me. She slightly shook her head and plastered on the fakest smile I had ever seen.

"It's almost opening time, Madeline."

"Emma, I wanted to ask you a question."

"Well, ask away!" she said as she added a shirt on top of a neatly folded pile.

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out tonight? Just us girls. We can get to know each other better."

Emma froze and her eyebrows furrowed. She was thinking of an excuse. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck raising up. I discreetly glanced behind me and saw David staring at us, his gaze burning burning a hole into my soul. I looked back at Emma and she had her fake smile on again.

"I would love to, Madeline, but I can't tonight. I have plans."

I tried my best to look bummed out. "Oh. Well, what do you have going on tonight?"

Emma started to look a little panicked. "My boyfriend has special plans tonight."

Weird. I remember she said that a few days ago.The night David went to the club with me. Was she talking about David then?

"Didn't you guys have plans just a couple days ago, though?" I asked innocently.

"Right, but he had to cancel at the last minute. This is like a makeup date," Emma said, obviously trying to end the conversation. "Well, I'm going to open up the shop doors." She quickly left to let in the line of customers.

I hurried off into the restroom and sat in a stall with tears of anger streaming down my face. I felt so hurt knowing that David was showing some other whore the same kind of passion that he showed me. I believed that I had meant so much more to him. I blinked the tears out of my eyes and thought of Emma. They were obviously together before I signed the contract with David.

Is she upset that David cheated on her with me?

She had looked more afraid than upset. Maybe she had trouble showing loyalty unlike me. Despite cheating on her with me, I just knew that he wouldn't do the same with me. I felt in my heart. I knew I had to get her out of the picture to show David that I was the only one for him.

I pulled out my phone and dial Cat to tell her my idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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