Chapter Four

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It's pretty chilly outside. Why am I not wearing a sweater? Outside? Why am I outside? I'm supposed to be with David right now. David Lawson. David...


"Everything is okay, Madeline. You're okay."

I know this voice. My eyes slowly opened, blinking several times to adjust to the darkness. Besides the quiet hum of the car, there was nothing but silence. "Wh-where are we going?" I asked.

"You fainted at the club," David explain. "I guess it was from heat exhaustion or something. Maybe even from too much alcohol. Thought I should just take you home. I hope that's okay with you."

"Oh." I lifted my hand up to my pounding head. "What the-." There was a zip tie around my wrists. "David, what is this?"

His foot pressed down on the gas pedal just a little bit. I couldn't move my legs either. Sharp pain sliced through my wrists as I tried to pull them apart. Panic started to rise and it soon became hard to breath. The car swerved when I started to freak out while David was trying to keep me still by placing an arm over me.

"Where are we going, David?"

Nothing but silence.

I glanced out the window to see if I could figure out where we were. The scenery was filled with trees for miles on end. Every now and then there would be a glimpse of an open field that would vanish in the blink of an eye. My heart sank. He could not be leaving me for dead in the middle of a field. He can't do that.

You barely know him and you're going to defend him? Do you even know what he's capable of?

I believed he cared. That he had some sort of feelings for me.

You're gullible. That's what it is. You knew something was off about him.

There wasn't much I could do so I just sat back and let him drive. Wherever this place was, it couldn't be much further up. The vibration of the car put me to sleep and I dozed off. My body was severely exhausted and I slept even longer than I thought. The sound of a car door slammed shut woke me up into a dreamy state. David's arm slipped around me as he pulled me out of the car. He carried me over his shoulder and started walking away. Everything seemed blurry. I couldn't make out any details. A door to a room, maybe a house, opened and was shut quietly behind David. His footsteps pounded as he descended down a staircase. Another door opened. David then lifted me off of his shoulder and laid me down on what felt like a bed. I sank into the mattress, letting the blankets welcome me.

"Everything will be okay, Madeline. You're safe with me." His words lingered in my ear.

The zipties fell free from my wrists and ankles. I curled up into a ball and fell back asleep.

A hand slid down from my waist to my butt and then around to my back. I arched up from the tingling feeling. His mouth pressed against my cheek only to find its way down to my neck. A quiet moan escaped from my lips. This man's hand slapped down onto my thigh and crawled up, gripping tightly. Painful pleasure stung where he smacked me. His body pushed me down and his hands tried to pull my dress off as much as he could.

My mind suddenly became aware to the fact that I was being pinned down on the bed by a guy and I started to freak out. He held my hands down and I couldn't wiggle out of his grip. I tossed my head side to side and yelped when he put a hand over my mouth. Strands of my hair covered my face and my breathing became heavy. Sweat made my skin feel slick.

"Madeline, stop panicking. It's just me."

"D-David?" I heard the sound of a zipper and fabric moving.

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