Chapter Six

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I didn't have a lot of time to get ready since his texts were last minute. Since he wanted me to wear the blue dress from the other night, I assumed he want to recreate the first time. I tried my best to redo the same look but it was very easy to tell that I rushed through it. By the time I pulled up into the parking lot for Greene Acres Park, it was pretty close to nine. I stepped out of my car and glanced around the parking lot. There was not another person in sight.

Maybe I have the wrong location. As soon as that thought crossed my mind, everything went dark. I could feel a soft fabric tugging at my skin.

"Do you know how many girls are kidnapped when they're walking alone at night?" a deep voice whispered into my ear.

David. He said those exact same words to me that night too. He guided me on a short walk to what I presumed was his car. The ride to his place was quiet as well. David didn't say a single word to me. The only thing that was different was that I didn't have zip ties around my wrists and ankles. Same as before, David lifted me over his shoulders and carried me inside. A closed door. A staircase followed by another closed door. The same softness of the mattress was comforting.

The blindfold was removed and I was left with gazing into his eyes. It felt like I was sinking into an abyss of dark chocolate. His face was so close I could see every hair and pore. His skin was smooth and finely tanned. The perfect definition of a fallen angel from Heaven.

"Get undressed." His voice was a growl.

I lifted myself off of the mattress and turned to face him. The dress slipped off of my body like silk, leaving myself exposed in my black lingerie. David's eye devoured me. Taking in every inch of me. I casually leaned over to undo my heels. The extra three inches made quite the different with my height.

David took my hand and led me into a different room. This one looked more like a torture dungeon than a sex playhouse. He guided me to the center of the room. There was a rack full of chains. There was a table he had me lean into. He chained my wrists together and in place. Then he tied down my ankles to a leg of the table. A gag was placed over my mouth.

"You signed up for this, Madeline. Are you sure this is what you want?" His voice almost sounded concerned.

Honestly, my entire body was shaking. I was nervous and scared. I had no idea what was in store for me. When he made the offer, I believed it was just hardcore casual sex. Not something painful yet pleasurable. Terrifying yet exciting. So did I really want to go through with this? My mind said no but my body screamed yes.

A black-feathered whip tickled down my back. Even David's deep rumbling voice couldn't control my nerves. I kept expecting the whip to crack down onto my skin every time he moved. I just couldn't take it anymore and tried my best to brace for impact from him.

"Remember the reason why you are here. You answered to my calling. I did not-" The whip snapped across my back, leaving me stinging in pain. "-answer to you. It will not always be like this. You can expect things to change. As you continue to satisfy me, you will gain more privileges and freedoms. However, if you choose not to come to me when I ask of you or disobey my commands, those freedoms will be revoked and we will resort to this again."

David moved around to where my head was and leaned over closer. "Of course, our number one rule is: don't fall in love."

As our night had ended, I was left sitting alone in my car. My body ached since I was not used to such pain. My wrists were sore to the touch. I glanced up at my rearview mirror. My blue eyes were glazed over. Not a single scratch or bruise. I took a deep breath. What I really needed was some sleep. I pressed on the gas and made the silent drive back home.

When I opened the front door, I was greeted by the sight of worried parents. My mother seemed really tired. Her short blonde hair looked like she kept running her hands through it. Her pale blue eyes were filled with concern and she obviously was crying. My father looked the opposite. His brows knitted together in a frown. The wrinkles around his mouth was deep and rough. It made him look older.

"Where have you been, Madeline?" my father asked sternly.

"I was out with Cat and Sandra, Dad."

"Coming home this late at night? Your mother and I tried to call you several times."

"My phone is dead."

My mother's soft voice broke the tension between my father and me. "Madeline, I thought you were trying to quit that life style."

"I'm trying, Mum. Some habits are hard to break." I was starting to get annoyed with my parents. It wasn't their fault if they were worrying about me. Lying to them was heartbreaking enough.

"I thought you wanted to move out. Find someone special and start a family. Don't you still want that?" She always wanted me to have the perfect life. Perfect job. Perfect husband. Perfect family. Couldn't a mother dream?

"Of course I do, Mum. I started a new job. I know it's not fantastic to work and it doesn't pay big, but it's something. A small step forward." I pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry about me, momma. Everything will be alright." I took a step back and smiled at her.

She rubbed my arm absentmindedly. "Oh, you must be tired, sweetheart. How about you go to bed? Sleep well."

"Sleep well, momma. You too, Dad."

Sleep was not my friend. My thoughts swarmed around David. The evening replayed in my mind over and over. I could still feel his hands on me. The delicious pain of the whip. My hair being pulled back. The way David's hand wrapped around my throat. How his body felt pressed against mine. The smoothness of his skin yet at the same time slick from the sweat. I was so lost in the memory that I had no recollection of what my body was doing. My hand had slipped past my undergarments. My fingers dancing in circles. I wanted David. I wanted him to show me what else he could do to my body. My back arched as I climaxed. My underwear soaking wet.

I rolled over onto my stomach with a sigh. It was a damn shame that I'm not able to call him whenever I wanted. Sleep somehow caught up to me and took over. However it felt like only a few minutes because my phone buzzed and took me out of my slumber. Cat's named flashed across the screen. I groaned and tossed my phone to the side. It continued to buzz a few more times. I finally just gave in.

Get up, loser. We're going shopping.

Typical Cat. No matter what day of the week it was, she always found time to go shopping. Plus this could be the distraction that I need. I couldn't just wait around all day wondering when David was going to call or text me. I gathered what little energy I had to get ready before she arrived and honked her horn like crazy.

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