Chapter 34

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I scream. I scream so loudly, I can hear it echoing back at me, resonating from the impossible huge mountain. Every human thought I've ever had is driven from my brain, by the mindless terror that fills me. Every thought that crosses my mind is vague and broken, originating from the uncivilized, archaic animal instinct deep within me... My fingers catch on nothing... Now I'm over the edge...
My feet are dangling. Swinging wildly below me. And the one thing I understand in every fiber of my being, the simplest, most basic thought you can possibly have, an understanding you're born with, and live with your entire life; I'm going to die.
Time slows down. My arms are sliding in slo-mo off the edge of the mountain path, and there's nothing I can do about it. No roots or rocks for me to grab. Falling... Falling... Only the tips of my fingers, my claws extended, digging frantically into the stone, leaving long white lines in the rock, and making a horrible screeching noise, but I don't stop... Slowly, slowly, my curled fingertips skid to the very edge, and I know I'm going over the side. There's no one to save me. I'm all alone, and that's how I'll die. All alone. Nobody will know, or care, and, as Stone was obviously trying to tell me with his leave; No one ever did.
I've been alone my entire life. I was alone at birth- My mother, where was she? Where is she?! My father? I don't see him coming! And Stone...Oh, Stone... One last choked sob escapes me, and the last thought, my last thought on this earth, is that no one loves me... No one ever did.
I let go.

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