Chapter 50

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I grab him and pin him mercilessly to the wall of the mountain.
"You. Filthy. LIAR!" I scream through the storm, forcing him into the rock with every word. As quickly as it came, my guilt vanishes, replaced by a burning rage. Not only did he lie, but he lied twice!
"I-It's not what you think-" He begins weakly, but I yell over him, over the rain and the wind, the blood rushing in my ears. My exhaustion turns to fury, the heaviness in my limbs replaced by adrenaline, giving me strength.
"It's not? Then what is it?! What's this!?" I jab my finger hard into the black 61 branded on his neck. I'm angry that he lied about having a blood number, but it's not just the number that gets me.
"You're a freaking Ruler!!!" Jamming my finger into the small black crown tattooed directly over the number, the same width, and about half the height. My dreams weren't dreams after all... They were prophesies. My subconscious has known all along, then-I've known! And I've only been trying to deny it, to hide the truth... Stone is the Prince of the City.
"You are, aren't you? Answer me!" I demand, deliberately extending the claws on my fingers, which sink deep into his (okay, yes, muscular) shoulders. "Answer me!!!"
"I-" He stops when I glare fiercely into his eyes, and lowers his gaze. "Yes."
"You lied to me! Three times!" I add for clarity, still unable to believe my eyes... Slowly, I look up from the ground, brushing my soaking hair from my face, meeting his eyes. "Who are you, really?"

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